Neighbourhood Plan Seminar Yardley Gobion Plan Objectives It would be a plan that had to be Sound and justifiable Consistent with National and local policies and strategies Acceptable to residents need for referendum Achievable John Parker Jan 2012
Neighbourhood Plan Seminar Yardley Gobion Plan To achieve the objectives, the group needed to be : Completely open minded Independent Open to all who wished to be involved Free from issues of self interest and not hijacked to pursue these interests Professionally advised and supported John Parker Jan 2012
Neighbourhood Plan Seminar Yardley Gobion Steering Group - Range of backgrounds Developer – major schemes in Birmingham County Council Planner Environment Agency Team Leader Construction Industry Project Manager Former Teacher Head of Communications for an Engineering Institute IT Consultant Former Banker Environmental Scientist John Parker Jan 2012
Neighbourhood Plan Seminar Yardley Gobion Subjects Covered Planning Housing Environment & Open Space Renewable energy Law and Order Refuse and recycling Drainage John Parker Jan 2012 Traffic Transport Water supply Communication Leisure Education Health Economy & Employment
Neighbourhood Plan Seminar Yardley Gobion Questionnaire C8. Is there a need for additional Housing in the parish? Sample Additional Comments : Affordable for old and young Sheltered/Almshouse type for locals Affordable for young families Warden controlled for elderly Bigger housing 4+ beds Housing for elderly How can restricted sale to parishioners be achievable? Nothing more required except infill Private affordable Retirement / Sheltered John Parker Jan 2012
Neighbourhood Plan Seminar Yardley Gobion Questionnaire C9. If housing developments were to occur in the future, which types ? John Parker Jan 2012
Neighbourhood Plan Seminar Yardley Gobion Questionnaire C10. If further housing developments were to be permitted what form should it take ? John Parker Jan 2012
Neighbourhood Plan Seminar Yardley Gobion Questionnaire C11. What kind of housing could someone in your household need in the next 3 years? Key worker homes 9 Sheltered accommodation/ warden controlled30 Smaller homes for older Residents38 Starter homes70 None250 No Answer70 John Parker Jan 2012
Neighbourhood Plan Seminar Yardley Gobion Questionnaire C12. If there were to be any development(s) in the parish which of the following would you be most concerned about ? Impact on the environment 133 Impact on School intake 37 Impact on sports/leisure facilities 20 Impact on Parish character 113 Increased parking issues 120 Increased traffic 130 John Parker Jan 2012