Chandragupta and Ashoka Mauryan Empire Chandragupta and Ashoka
Who was Chandragupta Maurya? 340 BC—298 BC Unified India into 1st Hindu-centered empire Ruled India from 322-298 Won battles to keep his kingdom Accepted Jainism in his later years Gave up his throne Fasted to death Not a whole lot more is known about him.
How did India change under Chandragupta’s rule? It gained a very organized government It centered around Hinduism It unified the small Aryan states (thus creating India) Strong economy (trade) Art and architecture Buddhism and Jainism became popular
Maurya Empire 320 BCE- conquers the Nanda Empire
And in 20 years, does this:
Ashoka Maurya The Grandson of Chandragupta 273-232 BC Ruled India from 269-232 BC Fought and killed the Kalinga Expanded the empire Converted to Buddhism and rejects violence Spreads peaceful living through empire Reputation for being mean and great at fighting– a bit bloodthirsty (possible torture chambers??) Kalinga= Deccan region– killed 100,000, when walking through the bodies he has a change of heart. wikipedia
How did India change under Ashoka? Made Buddhism state religion Made empire peaceful Created Buddhist monuments all over the place 33 edicts about Buddhism and life in general Devotes life to bettering the lives of people and animals (no animals or people can be harmed or killed) Set up roads and treasury Fun Ashoka Fact: He created the world’s first known animal hospitals! Edicts are on pillars, cave walls, and other monuments
The mauryan empire under Ashoka wikipedia
One of the pillars of Ashoka
Stupa of Ashoka wikipedia
Temple wikipedia
“Buddhist proselytism at the time of king ashoka” (thanks http://en
Death of Ashoka Buddhism died out in India But remained in lots of other places Kingdom split up between sons– the usual happens; jealousy, in-fighting eventual shattering of an empire. Quickened by invaders By 200 BC the Maurya Empire was all but lost. 500 years later we get the Gupta Empire (more on that next week)
Hey kids, get ready to do some shading on your maps Hey kids, get ready to do some shading on your maps! (Following Maps courtesy of wikipedia)
Magahda Empire 5th Century
Nanda Empire 323 BCE
Maurya Empire 320 BCE
Maurya Empire 305 BCE
Still More (Maur?) Maurya 300 BCE
The Maurya Empire under ashoka 265 BC
So to recap-- Pre-Maurya Empire At the height of the Maurya Empire