Introduction to William Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar
Part 1: Drama Terms for Julius Caesar 1. Soliloquy – A lengthy speech in which a character alone on stage expresses his/her inner thoughts aloud 2. Monologue – A lengthy speech delivered by one character – other characters can hear the speech 3. Aside – words spoken by a character, usually brief, in an undertone that other characters do not hear ( think Simpsons )
4. Climax – turning point in the play after which the situations for the main characters will improve / get worse (in Shakespeare’s plays, the climax is always in the 3 rd act – there are 5 acts ) Note: Look at your Shakespeare hand-out 5. Catastrophe – final events in a dramatic tragedy – the denouement 6. History Play – A play set in a non-fiction past – The main source used for Julius Caesar was Plutarch’s biography
7. Foreshadowing – a line/event that gives clues/hints about what is going to happen 8. Suspense – a sense of concern/unknowing created by foreshadowing, characterization and atmosphere 9. Pun – humorous use of words/phrases to suggest two or more meanings at the same time Example: What do you call a fish with no eyes? A fsh! Ha!
10. Motivation – the reasons behind a characters actions 11. Iambic Pentameter – a line of 5 feet – each foot followed by a stressed syllable ( 10 syllables ) 12. Blank Verse – unrhymed iambic pentameter 13. Comic Relief – a humorous section/scene within a tragedy which is usually NOT written in Iambic Pentameter
14. Heroic Couplet – 2 lines of rhymed iambic pentameter that express a complete thought Study these drama terms and your notes on Shakespeare – There will be a quiz next week!
Part II: Themes & Motifs in Julius Caesar Theme: Universal Message or idea in a literary work – There are 3 Major Themes in JC # 1. Right to Rule - How does one acquire the right to rule? -Who grants that right? -Can it be revoked? -What are the characteristics of a good leader?
#2 – Appearance vs. Reality - Things are not always as they appear - Appearances can be deceiving (literally and figuratively)
#3 – Destiny vs. Freewill - Do we control our own fate or is it predetermined? - If we know the future, do we have the power to change it?
Motifs – recurring images that usually help convey the theme (There are also three motifs In Julius Caesar) 1. Blood 2. Supernatural Events 3. Rot and Decay
Remember, Motifs support themes. One of the major themes is the Right to Rule. Julius Caesar’s fellow Romans murder him because they think he does not have the right to rule. Truthfully answer the opinionarre I am handing out and be ready to disuss these heavy questions tomorrow!