IEEE GRSS Japan Chapter Report Jul Chair : Yoshihisa HARA
Outline Our mission Organize and/or sponsor remote sensing related technical meetings in Japan cooperating with other remote sensing related societies. Introduce the remote sensing related activities in Japan to other part of the world. Promote communication between the Japanese community of remote sensing related people and the other part of the world. Current issues Japan team is working hard for the success of IGARSS 2011 in Sendai by the leadership of Prof. Sato of Tohoku University. The number of members of Japan chapter is about 150; the committee is now eager to increase the number of young members. Committee members Chair: Yoshihisa HARAMitsubishi Electric Corp. Vice Chair: Hiroshi KIMURAGifu University Secretary: Kei SUWAMitsubishi Electric Corp. Treasurer:Kazuo OKIThe University of Tokyo
Important dates for IGARSS 2011 Invited Session Proposal Deadline:Oct. 11, 2010 Invited Session Notification:Dec. 6, 2010 Abstract Submission System On-line:Dec. 10, 2010 Tutorial Proposal Deadline:Dec. 10, 2010 Abstract Submission Deadline:Jan. 7, 2011 Travel Support Application Deadline:Jan. 14, 2011 Student Paper Competition Deadline:Jan. 14, 2011 IGARSS Sendai =Aug. 1-5,
Schedule (2010) Our main mission is to organize and sponsor technical meetings, and most of our effort is put into this activity. Committee members communicate frequently via ; therefore, non-technical meeting is held only twice per year. Our web-site requires extensive maintenance; the renewal is undergoing Technical Meetings Non-Technical Meetings Web-site maintenance Renew Japanese versionDevelop English version Sponsor / Co-Sponsor Tech. Co-Sponsor Lecture by Prof. Benediktsson Remote sensing forum POLSAR-WS 2010
Technical Meetings The number of technical meetings has been increased from 5 to 12 compared with year Sponsor & Co-Sponsor 2010 Technical Co-Sponsor 2009 Technical Co-Sponsor 2009 Sponsor & Co-Sponsor
Award Title : IEEE GRSS Japan Chapter Young Researcher Award (since 2009) Purpose : The award is to recognize young researchers who has presented an outstanding paper at the conferences sponsored or co-sponsored by GRSS Japan chapter. One purpose of this award is to encourage young researchers to join IEEE GRSS. Detail : The winner must be under 30 years old. Honorarium of 30,000 yen (= $345) is presented. Additional 20,000 yen (=$230) is presented to support the travel expense to join IGARSS in the immediate future Award Example
Web renewal Simple design & easy access to new topics (e.g. large “what’s new” window). Future plans: Develop English version by the end of Constant upgrade. Organize a web-site administration team (hopefully).
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