E-Bid Book Seminar II JCIHK Award Program th August 2014
Objective What are the award categories Who is eligible? The Awards Evaluation Criteria Year Period of Project / Activity The Entries How to Submit an Award Entry? Submission Procedure Important Highlights Submissions About this Seminar
The AwardsThe EntriesSubmission
To recognize and honor outstanding achievement in the fulfillment of the purposes of JCIHK by LOMs, or Individual Members
"Through-Train“ AwardsLocal Awards Award is allied to JCI Award Program Award is available in Hong Kong Only
The “Award Year” starts from one month prior to the 2013 Junior Chamber International Hong Kong National Convention to one month prior to the 2014 National Convention. The date of the Opening Ceremony will be used for this calculation August 21, 2013 to August 28, 2014 (with one week allowance)
Level 1: membersLevel 2: membersLevel 3: 91+ members
Group I: Individuals Group II: Individuals - NOM Group III A: LOMs Group III B: LOMs - Special Awards
The AwardsThe EntriesSubmission
Group l: Individuals Group ll: Individuals - NOM Group III A: LOMs Group III B: LOMs – Special Award Only 1 entry for each award 1 project for 1 entry Eligibilities
Example: Best Community Empowerment Program Evaluation Criteria JCI Judging PointsPoints Objectives, Planning, Finance and Execution20 Membership Participation15 Community Impact30 Impact on Local Organization15 Long-term Impact of the Program20
Award Year The “Award Year” starts from one month prior to the 2013 Junior Chamber International Hong Kong National Convention to one month prior to the 2014 National Convention. The date of the Opening Ceremony will be used for this calculation August 21, 2013 to August 28, 2014 (with one week allowance) Must complete any program or project submitted for an award during the current award year For continuing programs and projects, a major portion of the activity should have been taken place during this period
The AwardsThe EntriesSubmission
"Through-Train" AwardsLocal Awards Submit entry thru E-award system ( Submit hard copies to JC office with a CD Completed entry must be approved by LOM Ps Submit hard copies to JC office with CD Completed entry must be approved by LOM Ps
Submission Requirements Use cover page provided by NOM Completed Basic Information Plain Layout is preferable No word limit 4 images in each session (A4 size)
When? 1 st Sep, 2014 (Monday) No later than 8pm By Hard Copy (5 Marks will be deducted if late submission, Hard copy will not be accepted after 8pm of the day.) How? Create & Edit Entry : 1. by the web tool ( 2. by MS Word or other document tools Confirm your online entry by 1 st Sep, 2014 (20:00) Submit hard copies to JC office with a CD (as backup) Completed entry must be approved by LOM Ps
Submission Procedure Pre-Entry Summary E-Bid Book (Hard copy) Submission Deadline: Aug 18 (Mon), 23:59 Document: Pre-Entry Form ( Steps: 1. to NRRD and CC to JC office and NGLC 2. Confirm with JC Office for successful submission Local Awards Submission Deadline: Sep 01, 20:00(Mon) Steps: 1.Signed by LOM P 2.Submit to JC Office 3.JC office will date and sign (for both Hard copy & CD Received) 4.Re-confirm your entry summary on arrival 5. Late submission – 5 points penalty to such concerned entry Remarks: No acceptance after 10 pm
Important Deadlines Pre-Entry Summary SubmissionAug 18, :59 (Mon) Nomination of Award JudgeAug 18, :59 (Mon) Submission DeadlineSep (Mon) (by 20:00) Award Judge BriefingSept 5, 2014 (Fri) JC Office Award Judging DaySept 7, 2014 (Sun) Full day (09:00 till judging finished) JC Office
JCI Website: for submission of e-Bid Books JCIHK Website menuid=107&groupid=114&id=230
Nominate at least one award judge Max 3 nominees Not less than 2 years of JCI experience or shall have been the board member or current members in the board Should have both judging experience and have experiences on bidbook compilation Must not be the current President of the LOM
Contact NRRD Man Fok at: Mobile : (852)
END Thank you!