By James Mountain Coaching & Club Development By James Mountain
What is Club Development and why is it important? -Building the foundations of your club -Ensures that student satisfaction is at the heart of your clubs aims and objectives -Sets clear aims and objectives -Gives the club direction - Targets -Provides justification for funding to QMSU -Provides measurable successes and needs for improvement
Development Plans – What are they? Should Reflect the 6 ‘Club Sport Objectives’ Blueprint for how the club plans on moving forward… Logging of essential basic information i.e. club numbers, contacts etc. Committee & coach input to the plan (Whole club approach) 2013/14 Revamp of plan for easier input and extraction of information
Club Sport Objectives To increase participation in student sport, across a broad range of sporting activities, allowing for inclusion and accessibility for all where possible. To raise aspirations and enable our teams and individuals to realise their potential at the highest appropriate level, through planned programmes or structured competition with other colleges, universities and amateur clubs. To establish exceptional good practice within our sports clubs, including governance, administration and finance controls. To develop sports clubs which deliver high levels of member satisfaction. To provide opportunities for personal development through sport; including, but not limited to, leadership and employability skills. To develop appropriate and effective partnerships with local schools, clubs and associations, and with National Governing Bodies of Sport.
How can QMSU help you with Club Development? Club Meetings: How often will they be? -Little or often as you wish -Minimum once per year What will you get from them? -Review/report to the SU of key success, aims and objectives, issues etc -Project / club planning -Clear achievable target setting (KPI’s) -General discussions -Advice -Opportunity to consult about the direction of club -Review that all areas of the plan are been met
Focus Group Meetings QMSU will be arranging focus group meetings - Meeting with different styles of sport: - Martial Arts - Team Sports - Dance etc What the purpose? -Ensure that we are meeting the needs of your activities -Informal discussions of how we can improve the offer -Bring people/clubs together for sport development Dates TBC
Meeting the needs of your members? -Are your Members satisfied? -What are their needs and wants of membership in your club? - Are your members expectations reasonable? -Do you communicate key issues, successes and stories to your members? -Do you provide a wide range of activities? Socially, competitively and recreationally?
Generating Constructive Feedback Are you getting Feedback from your members? How will you get feedback? What will you do with the feedback? Is it useful? Can Club Sport can help with this: -Website -Questionnaires at training -Can this help with club development?
Questions on Club Development?
GETTING A TEAM COACH…. Things to consider before getting a Team Coach -How will having a coach benefit your club? -Will a coach help you achieve your aims and objectives? -Can you afford a coach £££ - Who will the coach affect?
Coach Recruitment Come and speak to James QMSU Advertise: local contacts, clubs, internet, NGB‘s etc…. Minimum Level 2 UKCC Practical interview: JM to assess & Feedback Successful coach will get QMSU resource pack and Service Level Agreement Invoice information QMSU Support info 4 Week Trial
What is expected of the Coach? Coach to run trials and squad selection Provide structured, player development sessions with clear aims and objectives Plan a minimum 6 week training plan Session plans – discuss with team captain Set clear performance targets Select team for matches based upon merit Attend 4 games Provide feedback to Club and QMSU Provide training #’s to QMSU Input into the Development plan Community links if applicable Who does your coach answer to?
Coach Invoices The coach will submit ‘QMSU Coaching Invoice’ by the 1 st of month every month This will include club training # Feedback for the month (+ & -) Session topic Key Achievements Team Captain/President must sign to clarify #’s No Invoice will be accepted from Committee
Supporting the Team Coach Captains: -Discuss session plans -Work together to write min 6 week training plan -Go through the session plan prior to the session -Provide regular player /coach feedback -Support your coach in running the sessions (organising members) QMSU: -Attending Sessions for coaching assessments / feedback -Support with all areas of coaching -CPD – coaching courses
Team Trials Club Coach should run the trials supported by the club committee All players should be trialed including team captains where appropriate If you are expecting high numbers to your trials split your sessions over two or three sessions.
Trial Sheet BIB #COMMUNICATIONTECHNIQUEGAME PLAYOVERALL COMMENTSRANK Communicates useful information, very poor technique Reads the game very well Competent in all areas, can use both feet very well. Good all round player Very low level, distracts other trialist Poor all round player, seems very enthusiastic and willing to learn 4
Format of your training sessions Warm up Introduction to main topic/objective of the session Main Body Match Play Cool Down - QMSU hopes to get to 4 sessions per year to see your sessions
Concerns of a training session Not warming the members up properly No clear targets No progression or clear links from session to session The use of line drills Inappropriate language or behavior Content of the sessions is not appropriate for the participants If this happens you MUST let JM know.
Immediate Actions -Team Trials -Ensure that all trialists have the opportunity to stay involved: speak to JM and DL for more info on this -Pre-season training / trips / activities -Confirm with team coach training times and dates -If you need a coach contact JM -Send JM good dates for attending training sessions -Arrange a date for target setting with JM -Discuss with coach 6 week season plans / targets -Identify key, achievable performance, participation and satisfaction targets