Julio Montaner, MD Professor of Medicine, and Head, Div. of AIDS, University of British Columbia Director, BC-Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDS at Providence Health Care UNAIDS Special Advisor on HIV Therapeutics Treatment as Prevention The Key to Eliminate AIDS & HIV AU EDITED FINAL: Special Technical Satellite, Melbourne 2014
The promise of HIV treatment: 1.Prevent HIV-related illness and disability 2.Avert AIDS-related deaths 3.Prevent new HIV infections
Increasing HAART Coverage within Evolving Guidelines in BC Source: Montaner et al, Lancet, 2010 January 2004 Summer of 1996 Summer of 2000 Phase I Phase II Phase III # of active participants on HAART in the HIV treatment programme
Source: Montaner et al, 2014 New AIDS Cases Diagnosed by Year British Columbia to 2013
> 90% Decrease in All Cause Mortality among HIV+ Individuals in BC, Canada since Years Frequency Source: Montaner et al, PLOS One, 12 Feb 2014
Source: Montaner et al, International AIDS Conference, 2014, Poster # TUPE203 New HIV Cases Diagnosed, Estimated HIV Incidence, & HAART Use by Year in BC
A clear correlation exists between HIV treatment and incidence Source: Tanser et al. Science 2013;339: % (0.8%-1.4%) reduction in HIV incidence, for each 1.0% increase in treatment coverage. ART & HIV incidence: Hlabisa, South Africa p=0.325 p=0.003 p=0.013 p= Incidence rate ratio ART coverage 0%30%60%
HIV incidence vs. ART coverage in 51 countries, weighted by epidemic size (2012 data) AIDS-related death rates vs. ART coverage in 51 countries, weighted by epidemic size (2012 data) Source: Hill, Pozniak, Raymond, Heath and Ford, AIDS 2014, 2014.
HIV Transmission According to Sexual Behavior Reported by HIV-Negative Partner Rate of Couple Transmission (per 100 Couple-Years Follow-Up) Heterosexual (Male) Vaginal sex with ejaculation (192 CYFU) Heterosexual (Female) Vaginal sex (272 CYFU) MSM Receptive anal sex: With ejaculation (93 CYFU) Without ejaculation (157 CYFU) Insertive anal sex (262 CYFU) Rate (95% CI) Overall risk = Zero through condomless sex with a partner on ART (HIV RNA <200 copies/mL Source: Rodger A, et al. 21 st CROI. Boston, Abstract 153LB
HIV treatment: The most effective biomedical intervention for the prevention of HIV transmission
Expanding ART for treatment and prevention of HIV in South Africa: Cost-effectiveness Lives Saved (x 1,000)U$A Billions Source: Granich et al, PLoS ONE 7(2):e30212, February 2013
By 2020… 90% of all people living with HIV will know their HIV status 90% of all people diagnosed with HIV will receive sustained antiretroviral therapy. 90% of all people receiving antiretroviral therapy will have durable suppression.
The result = a three-fold increase over current 2014 estimates 72 % of all people living with HIV will be virally suppressed 3
The new treatment paradigm Single target → Cascade target Death → Death and transmission Number → Equity Incremental funding→ Frontload Investments
The objective “Maximize the effectiveness of existing tools to virtually eliminate progression to AIDS, premature death and HIV transmission, and thereby transform the HIV/AIDS pandemic into a low level sporadic endemic.”