Circle K 101
Premiere collegiate service organization in the world Student- Led On more than 550 campuses globally Sponsored by Kiwanis What is Circle K?
The Circle K pledge I pledge to uphold the Objects of Circle K International, to foster compassion and goodwill toward others through service and leadership, to develop my abilities and the abilities of all people, and to dedicate myself to the realization of mankind’s potential!
What is Circle K? Mission: Our mission is to develop college and University students into a global network of responsible citizens and leaders with a lifelong commitment to service. Vision: We want to be the leading global community service organization on college and University campuses that enriches the world one member, one child, and one community at a time.
Service Leadership Fellowship The 3 Tenets of CKI
The Kiwanis Family It all begins in primary school and carries on throughout life!
The Kiwanis Family Sponsor of all branches Supports youth and young adults around the world in becoming competent, capable and compassionate leaders.
The Kiwanis Family Student-led community service club Elementary students Middle school and Junior high students Focus on the needs of children High school students More than 12 million service hours annually
The Kiwanis Family For adults living with disabilities 200 clubs in seven nations Develop initiative and leadership skills through hands-on service
District and International Events Leadership Training Retreat (LTR) Theme: 80’s October 6 th -7 th Streator IL (Streator Baptist Camp, 1259 N. 1659th Rd, Streator, IL 61364) Regular Registration (closes 10/3): $45 Onsite Registration: $50 Holiday Embrace Theme: 20’s January 12 th Naperville IL at the New Holiday IN Cost: TBA District Convention (DCON) Theme: TBA March 8 th -10 th Knox College in Galesburg IL Cost: TBA Northern Division Rally November 10 th in Naperville IL 9am-1pm Cost: Free Large Scale Service Project This event takes place before international convention. This is where CKI members come together from around the world to do service together. International Convention This years convention will be taking place in Vancouver! This is you can come and elect international officers. You also get to meet Circle K members across the world. Leadership Academy This is a six-day event with an intense and focuses on the E6 Framework created by Brendon Burchard, author of the Student Leadership Guide. Great experience!
CKI Service Partners March of Dimes –Works to improve the health of babies through research, community services, education, and advocacy. Better World Books –Work to break the cycle of poverty through education and literacy. STUFH –Students Teaming up to fight hunger nation wide food drive to raise food for hungry in communities. UNICEF: 6 cents Initiative –Helping to provide safe drinking water and medications for children with dehydration.
Eliminate World wide service incentive Goal to eliminate maternal/neonatal tetanus ( MNT ) –Over 60,000 babies and women die each year due to this disease –8 cents can save the lives of 3 children –Will take $110 million dollars
Spastics spastic paralysis –All money we raise goes into research and education cerebral palsy Spinal Bifida multiple sclerosis spinal cord injury
Benefits of Joining CKI Online Community –Circle K is organized on more than 550 college and university campuses around the world. Through this diverse network, many ideas and friendships may be exchanged. Development as an Individual –Numerous opportunities to develop their professional and leadership abilities.
Benefits of Joining CKI Scholarships –Through the support of Kiwanians, scholarships are made available to Circle K members at both District Convention and International Convention
Benefits of Joining CKI Member Benefit Program –Each member is presented with a pin, a membership card with a specific membership number, and a membership handbook. Optional Insurance –Each member is entitled to optional insurance if injured under the administration of Circle K International
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