Knowledge Exchange TF-EMC 2, Lyon - 14 February 2011 Christopher Brownhttp://
2 German Research Foundation (DFG) Denmark’s Electronic Research Library Joint Information Systems Committee (United Kingdom) SURFfoundation (Netherlands) Shared aim: innovative use of ICT to support Research and Education Who is Knowledge Exchange?
3 Our vision “To make a layer of scholarly and scientific content openly available on the Internet” Bonn October 2010
KE Approach By sharing knowledge, exploring differences, collaborating and promoting international dialogue, the Knowledge Exchange seeks to: Increase the return on national investment in ICT infrastructure, services and projects in higher education and research Add genuine value to the activities of the partners Support the European agenda by promoting better access to information resources in higher education and research Create the optimal virtual environment for the Higher Education and Research Community who need to choose from a wide array of possible technologies and approaches 4
5 Working Groups Primary Research Data Open Access Licensing Interoperability of Digital Repositories Virtual Research Environments n.b. no Access & Identity Management WG as there is TERENA
6 Activities in the years Petition to EU for guaranteed public access to publicly-funded research results Tender for Multinational Licences Institutional repositories workshop Amsterdam Project on enhanced theses Workshops on collecting usage statistics from repositories Briefing papers on copyright and usage statistics And also, 3 examples of activities since
‘Costs and Benefits of Open Access in UK, Netherlands and Denmark’ Three national studies during the first half of 2009 Joint study added value to already existing knowledge Presented in seminar to European Commission
8 Studies on Persistent Identifiers Long term identification for storage & retrieval –complex field (many alternative developments) –need for open, non proprietary, trusted HE&R friendly system –Collaboration of KE and relevant external partners State-of-affairs study regarding Persistent Identifier usage in 6 countries User Requirements for a global resolver infrastructure Roadmap to achieve a working global resolver service June 2011 workshop
Workshop (Berlin 23/24 Sept 2009) ‘Main drivers for successful re-use of research data’ Focus on benefits, challenges and obstacles of re-using data from a researcher’s perspective Despite individual differences characterising the disciplines, recurrent pattern of comparable challenges and obstacles: Technical issues Methodological implications Social background Incentives for researchers required
Workshop (Rotterdam 23/24 June 2010) ‘VREs– the next steps’ Exchange of landscape studies (JISC and SURF) cting%20Researchers9april.pdf Variety of Projects in partner countries Findings: Impact of VREs expected to grow further Facilitate international collaboration KE in position to work on this Looking at strategic and sustainable funding issues Workshop Nov 2011
Way forward Continuing the exchange of knowledge Informing and giving rise to other collaborations
TERENA – TF-EMC 2 Utrecht meeting – KE and TERENA Technical perspective – related to TERENA work KE moving away from tech focus and looking at strategy/funding long term From KE: –Researchers collaborating across national boundaries –International projects with identity/middleware requirements Contact VRE Working Group with any questions “Interoperability of Digital Repositories” WG – more technical focus