Investigating Biomes of the Earth Grade/Subject: 11 th /Environmental Science Instructor: Samantha Caudill
Biomes of the Earth Investigation! Today we will take a trip around the world to investigate the Biomes of our magnificent planet Earth. We will explore everything from lands of dense jungle teeming with life to barren, dry deserts thirsting for rain.
Biomes of the Earth Investigation! Background Information: Scientists organize different ecosystems into biomes based on climate. Each biome has specific plant and animal diversity. Temperature and amount of rainfall are key factors in the type of biome an ecosystem is.
Biomes of the Earth Investigation! Investigation Assignment: You will be divided into six groups of 4 to complete your investigation. Each group will be assigned a biome they must investigate. Each member of your group will have a specific job. Decide now which group member will have what job: 1)researcher- will search through the websites on your group page for information on the climate, plants, and animals of your assigned biome. 2)recorder- will record the information found by the researcher about your specific biome on the “Biomes Information Table” handout. 3)poster maker- will create a poster of pictures of the biome and plants and animals found there. 4)reporter- will report to the class the group’s findings using the “Biomes Information table and poster.
Group Assignments: (Please click on your group to enter your page!) Group 1- Desert Group 1- Desert Group 2- Grassland Group 2- Grassland Group 3- Temperate Forest Group 3- Temperate Forest Group 4- Rainforest Group 4- Rainforest Group 5- Taiga Group 5- Taiga Group 6- Tundra Group 6- Tundra Biomes of the Earth Investigation!
Researcher- use the following websites to research about the climate, plants, and animals of the desert: Recorder: record the information found by the researcher in the “Biomes Information Table”. Reporter: use the following websites to research good presentation pointers. importance-of-eye-contact-in-public-speaking/ ideas/handling-questions/ Poster Maker: use the following websites to gather information and print pictures for your poster. (BE SURE TO CITE YOUR SOURCES!!!!!!!!!!!!) rt-landscapes/
Researcher- use the following websites to research about the climate, plants, and animals of the grassland: Recorder: record the information found by the researcher in the “Biomes Information Table”. (BE SURE TO CITE YOUR SOURCES!!!!!!!!!!!!) Reporter: use the following websites to research good presentation pointers. importance-of-eye-contact-in-public-speaking/ questions/ Poster Maker: use the following websites to gather information and print pictures for your poster. (BE SURE TO CITE YOUR SOURCES!!!!!!!!!!!!)
Researcher: use the following websites to find information on the climate, plants, and animals of the temperate forest. view.html Recorder: record the information found by the researcher in the “Biomes Information Table”. (BE SURE TO CITE YOUR SOURCES!!!!!!!!!!!!) Reporter: use the following websites to research good presentation pointers. importance-of-eye-contact-in-public-speaking/ questions/ Poster Maker: use the following websites to gather information and print pictures for your poster. (BE SURE TO CITE YOUR SOURCES!!!!!!!!!!!!) forests/
Researcher: use the following websites to find information on the climate, plants, and animals of the rainforest Recorder: record the information found by the researcher in the “Biomes Information Table”. (BE SURE TO CITE YOUR SOURCES!!!!!!!!!!!!) Reporter: use the following websites to research good presentation pointers. importance-of-eye-contact-in-public-speaking/ ideas/handling-questions/ Poster Maker: use the following website to gather information and print pictures for your poster. (BE SURE TO CITE YOUR SOURCES!!!!!!!!!!!!)
Group 5- Taiga Researcher: use the following websites to find information on the climate, plants, and animals of the taiga. Recorder: record the information found by the researcher in the “Biomes Information Table”. (BE SURE TO CITE YOUR SOURCES!!!!!!!!!!!!) Reporter: use the following websites to research good presentation pointers. tips/the-importance-of-eye-contact-in-public-speaking/ ideas/handling-questions/ Poster Maker: use the following website to gather information and print pictures for your poster. (BE SURE TO CITE YOUR SOURCES!!!!!!!!!!!!)
Researcher: use the following websites to find information on the climate, plants, and animals of the tundra. Recorder: record the information found by the researcher in the “Biomes Information Table”. (BE SURE TO CITE YOUR SOURCES!!!!!!!!!!!!) Reporter: use the following websites to research good presentation pointers. tips/the-importance-of-eye-contact-in-public-speaking/ ideas/handling-questions/ Poster Maker: use the following website to gather information and print pictures for your poster. (BE SURE TO CITE YOUR SOURCES!!!!!!!!!!!!)
Biomes WebQuest Evaluation Rubric Score4 (Exceeded Objectives) 3 (Meets Objectives) 2 (Some Objectives Met) 1 (Objectives not Met) ResearchResearch was complete, detailed, and accurate. Research was complete and accurate. All research was not complete and/or accurate. Research incomplete and inaccurate. PosterPoster contains detailed and accurate information and pictures. Poster is creative. Poster contains accurate information and pictures. Poster contains some inaccurate information or pictures. Poster incomplete or completely irrelevant. ReportReport is very informative, accurate, and well organized. Report is accurate and well organized. Report contains some inaccurate information. Report is not complete or completely irrelevant. ParticipationAll groups members actively participated. All group members participated. Some group members participated. 1 or less group members participated.
Teacher’s Page Focus- This webquest introduces the six major biomes of Earth (desert, grassland, temperate forest, rainforest, taiga, and tundra). Objective- Students will complete research over the six major biomes investigating climate and biodiversity in each. Resources- “Biome Information Table” (Handed out to students by teacher.) Students must have individual internet access. (Best completed in computer lab.) Websites used during the webquest have been cited on relevant pages in the power point. Materials- Poster board, markers, glue/tape