MIGRATION Migrate means to travel from one place to another Birds migrate so they can find food Half of the birds in the world migrate but not all birds migrate.
Warm blooded Warm blooded means that their body temperature doesn’t change a lot.
Kinds of birds The swift bird, doves, and the sand piper can get up to 200 mph Humming birds eat every ten minutes A penguin a ostrich and a dodo bird can’t fly
vertebrates Vertebrates means that a bird has a backbone.
Habitat A habitat is where a bird mostly lives A birds habitat is all seven continents. Continents are like Africa, South America North America, Asia ,Europe, Antartica, and Ausrtalia . Birds have nests. Nests are what holds their eggs.
Body covering Body covering is what the bird is covered in A bird is covered in feathers and its feet has scales. A birds feathers are different colors so that they can blend in with stuff.
Special body parts Some of the birds body parts are the head feet claws wings eyes an the beak.
breathe A bird has very strong lungs Lungs are something in there mouth that helps them breath.
Questions Is a bird warm blooded or cold blooded? What is one body part a bird has? Do all birds migrate?