Interstate 92 White HouseWhite House 57 Miles Housing Development Housing Development 102 Miles The HospitalThe Hospital 255 Miles Interstate 92 White HouseWhite House 57 Miles Housing Development Housing Development 102 Miles The HospitalThe Hospital 255 Miles Click here to take our quiz
Click on the car to return to the main highway and continue driving Click on this window to meet the residents This is a HUD Housing Development. HUD is a Cabinet department which was founded in It develops and executes policy on housing and cities. We qualify for Medicaid and all of our children go to the Headstart summer camp. Headstart summer camp. I learnt how to teach at the Jobs Corps.Jobs Corps. Climb out the window to view the entire housing development To visit the Headstart summer camp or the Job Corps click on it in the speech bubbles.
Lady Bird Johnson visits a Head Start classroom in Washington D.C. Guess who? Click on the woman to find out. Click here to return to the housing development Headstart started as and 8 week summer camp for kids and then became a full year long program. To learn more click here. Headstart is a program which provides education, health, and parent involvement services to low-income children and their families. Headstart is a program which provides education, health, and parent involvement services to low-income children and their families. Early Head Start Office Enter to learn more about Early Head Start.
is a federally funded community- based program for low-income families with infants and toddlers and pregnant women. To return to the main office click herehere
Jobs Corps is a program which helped disadvantaged youth develop marketable skills. So many opportunities now await me! Click here to return to the housing development
Patients and Visitors Only! ( Medicare and Medicaid beneficiaries accepted) “Go through the door to visit the hospital.” Click on the car to return to the main highway and continue driving
Which way would you like to go? The Social Security Act established both MedicareMedicare and Medicaid.Medicaid The Social Security Act established both MedicareMedicare and Medicaid.Medicaid Click here to the front of the hospital
“If it wasn’t for Medicaid I wouldn't be able to afford this procedure.” Medicaid is a U.S health program for eligible individuals and families with low incomes and resources. Click here to return to the main hall Click here to return to the main hall
Medicare is a social insurance program administered by the United States Government, providing health insurance coverage to people who are aged 65 and older, or who meet special certain criteria. Click here to return to the main hall Click here to return to the main hall
Click here to visit Air Force One to see Johnson’s Inauguration. Click on the picture to learn how Johnson started it all! Click on the picture to see one of Johnson’s speech. Click on the picture to see John F. Kennedy’s assassination. Click on the picture to visit the War of Vietnam. Click on the car to return to the main highway and continue driving
The Economic Opportunity Act of 1964 (executed by the since disbanded Office of Economic Opportunity) made several social programs to promote the health, education, and general welfare of the poor; including Job Corps and Headstart.Job Corps Headstart Click on the individual programs to learn more With this act our country is moving closer to becoming the ideal society I know it can be Click here to return to the White House
Click here to watch a video "the battle against communism... must be joined... with strength and determination." America joined the Vietnam War. This interfered with Johnson’s Great Society. He then surprisingly withdrew from running his second term. Instead he put all his efforts into World Peace. He suddenly died from a heart attack right before the Vietnam War ended. Click here to return to the White House
“Lets build a great society, a place where the meaning of man’s life will match the marvels of man’s labor.” The great society planned to offer an aid to education, attack on disease, Medicare, Urban renewal, beautification, conservation, Development of depressed, regions, a wide-scale fight against poverty, control and prevention of crime and delinquency, and removal of obstacles to the right to vote. Click here to return to the White House
When Kennedy was assassinated, Johnson was sworn in as President. To see Johnson’s inauguration click here. President Kennedy was riding in a motorcade through Dallas on Friday November 22, :30 PM CST Click here to return to the White House
To view in to Air Force One during the inauguration click here. How was Johnson able to successfully wage his war on poverty when JFK could not? Kennedy won by a very narrow margin against Nixon. White southern democrats were against civil rights reform. Therefore he was in a weak position to get domestic legislation passed. Johnson crushed his opponent in Kennedy had been too lenient with congress. Click here to return outside
A. The White House B. Dallas, Texas D. During World War II. C. During his Inaugural address. Try Again
a. Headstart b. Medicaid c. Social Security d. Higher Education Act