GEOSS AIP-5 Architecture Implementation Pilot, Phase 5 - Energy Session KO Summary Lionel Ménard - Session Lead - MINES ParisTech Kick-off Meeting May.


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Presentation transcript:

GEOSS AIP-5 Architecture Implementation Pilot, Phase 5 - Energy Session KO Summary Lionel Ménard - Session Lead - MINES ParisTech Kick-off Meeting May 2012

Participants Lucien Wald (MINES ParisTech) Larry Mc Govern (INCOSE) Hervé Caumont (Terradue) Steve Browdy (OMSTech) George Percival (OGC) Lionel Menard (MINES ParisTech)

The proposed Energy scenario: “Generation of local atlases for decision-support in solar energy policy planning and private investment ”

Issues tackled Targeted users: Policy planners, consulting companies Decision making – Potential Area of Interest – Precise Site selection Improve accuracy from existing databases to assess the potential of solar energy in a focused area of interest (improvement range from 3 km to 200 m) Relate this information to other types of geographical information, e.g., physical and administrative Provide computer-aided method for decision making, (eg. desktop or Web based GIS applications) Cope with GEOSS recommendations on Interoperability Develop a replicable and scientifically-validated methods for creation of such atlases within the European FP7 funded ENDORSE project (GEOSS EN-01 Contribution).

Contributed services and components MINES ParisTech –Irradiation maps (GHI, DNI, BHI) (GEOSS Data Core) –Elevation and Slopes from SRTM DEM French Ministry in charge of environment –Land Cover from Corine Land Cover 06 (CLC06) –Wind speed classification (10 meters high mean speed) French Mapping Agency (IGN) –Natural and protected areas, administrative limits Università degli Studi di Genova (UNIGE) –Air temperature at 2-meter height. Point-wise uncertainty in air-temperature mapping Map layers (OGC WMS/WFS)

Contributed services and components GeoServer for map layers: OGC Web services (WMS, WFS) OGC CSW Catalogue (GeoNetwork) ISO Metadata –Harvest catalogue via GEOSS Discovery & Access Broker Web GIS Client to support easy visualization (OpenLayers) Possible support from other clients (Pyxis, TU Dresden,…) GEOSS/GCI compatible components

Irradiation maps (PACA Region France) Example of a high resolution (200 m) irradiation map Map of yearly sums of GHI (mean between 2004 –2010)

Additional GIS layers for solar energy usages 8 Territorial units District units Natural reserves Flood risks DEM Slopes Land-use Corrine Land Cover 2006 Land-use Corrine Land Cover 2006 DEM Aspects Distance to electric source points Distance to electric source points High resolution air temperature (to be integrated) High resolution air temperature (to be integrated) Wind speed (6 classes) Air temperature from NCEP (Average of monthly means) Air temperature from NCEP (Average of monthly means) DEM Altitudes

Modeling Activity Energy scenario wishes to contribute to modeling activity Expectations: –Model the AIP-5 Energy Scenario –Get expertise –Support efficient dissemination of GEOSS in the Energy Community

Work Plan June: Finalize scenario data layers inputs (WMS) July: Finalize Metadata creation and CSW Catalogue September: Finalize the WebGIS Client –Client ready for testing –Demo capture