TRACE REVIEW WORKSHOP ILO International Training Center, Turin (Italy) June 2006 PRESENTATION OF FINAL OUTPUTS Key Action N° 17 Leading Partner :Associate Partner :
TRACE Review Workshop Presentation of Final Outputs Key Action N° 17 Description of the Final Output: Handbook (titel: “Brave New World of SMEs”) Purposes: * Summarization of workshop outcomes * course material for tutors; overview of British and Austrian trade union structure and the different ways of member recruitment for trade union members Explanation of choice from a methodological point of view: (anticipating dissemination) * The product can be easily distributed among trade union officers and tutors * Trade union members can visit our website and easily find and download the product
TRACE Review Workshop Presentation of Final Outputs Key Action N° 17 Description of the Final Output: Structure of the product: Parts and Functions _ introduction, forewords T.U.C. and ÖGB (why especially focused on SMEs?) _ Summarization of Workshop 1: mainly comparison of the two diffferent systems _ Summarization of Workshop 2: main issue – what do shop stewarts need from their trade unions to improve member recruitment –Summarization of Workshop 3: Organising Academy, social network analysis, NLP, curricula _ Course activities for member recruitment courses, that are already in use (material from TUC education workbook, Austrian course material)
Contributors to the product: –Lucia Bauer (participant), Michael Vlastos, Gerhard Kopinits, Gerhard Winkler, Craig Hawkins (trade union officials responsible for education) _ Rob Hancock (T.U.C.-expert), Marcel Fink (University of Vienna) TRACE Review Workshop Presentation of Final Outputs Key Action N° 17
Strengths and Weaknesses of the Product: weaknesses: will be found out by users of the product * only apparent weakness: because of the very special content it could be only of valuable use in Great Britain and Austria strenghts: * good overview of two different systems * can be useful for different groups of people: members, officials, tutors, students * can be easily distributed TRACE Review Workshop Presentation of Final Outputs Key Action N° 17
TRACE Review Workshop Presentation of Final Outputs Key Action N° 17 Lay-out, presentation and testing of final output: This format and lay-out has been used for many trade union products and outcomes before its user-friendliness has been approved by many users communicability and user-friendliness of this special output will be discussed with tutors within the trade union and university after first use languages: English, German
TRACE Review Workshop Presentation of Final Outputs Key Action N° 17 Dissemination process for the Output (Austria) Target groups: tutors, trade union officials, members, students Dissemination plan: July: tutors and trade union officials get examples of handbook, distribution Part 1 July: Handbook is online (website of ÖGB), open for members distribution Part 2 October: Handbook is used at university, distribution Part 3 All trade union officials who are responsible for education have already been informed + will be able to use handbook (if they want to) The number of handbooks ordered or downloaded is one point that will tell us about successful dissemination (it can be ordered by university, trade union departments)
TRACE Review Workshop Presentation of Final Outputs Key Action N° 17 Dissemination process for the Output (Great Britain) Target groups: Trade union Organisers, Tutors, Representatives/activists and also Academic professionals July: Paper based version and electronic copies are being distributed Electronic copies will be made available through T.U.C-website, including “closed section” for debate and advise Distribution through Organising Academy and locally (to support local Trade Union activity)