eSourcing coordinates the sourcing process What is eSourcing? Web-based application Facilitates interaction between buyers and sellers eSourcing coordinates the sourcing process
eSourcing coordinates the sourcing process What is eSourcing? Request for Proposal (RFP) Price Discovery (eAuction) Request for Information (RFI) Supplier Selection Supplier Management Contract Negotiations eSourcing coordinates the sourcing process
What is eSourcing? Online Responses Online Q&A Forum Real-time Bidding Request for Proposal (RFP) Price Discovery (eAuction) Request for Information (RFI) Supplier Selection Real-time Bidding “eBay in Reverse” Anonymous Scoring and selection
Supports all aspects of the sourcing decision RFI RFP Supplier attributes Assurance of supply Service Quality Innovation Regulatory Requirements Cost eAuction Scoring and selection
Key benefits to suppliers Consistent Process Consistent Information Saves Time Market Placement
Time to Stand Out: Responding to an RFI or RFP Take advantage of the tools and process Highlight your unique characteristics Ask questions Be clear and concise Develop your understanding of KP’s needs and wants
Time to Stand Out: Bidding in an eAuction Why bother? Low price doesn’t necessarily win the business You gain valuable market information
Time to Stand Out: Final Thoughts Fully participate in the process Distinguish Yourself Be Flexible