Low-Cost Private Schools Knowledge Framework Research methodology template
Low-Cost Private Schools Knowledge Framework School Model: Quality Education 1 Content Standards Curriculum Relevance 2 Provision Teaching and materials Textbooks Technology 3 Learning Environment Facilities Learning schedule Classroom environment 4 Human Capital Teacher and school leader recruitment Development Retention 5 Monitoring Measuring progress Data usage Reporting to parents 6 Management Central management Strategy School chain structure Power devolution Corporate governance Accountability processes
Low-Cost Private Schools Knowledge Framework | School model 1. CONTENT 1A Standards How are academic standards set? If government standards are followed, does the chain aim to enhance those standards in any way? Do teachers understand that they are following standards? How often are standards changed? Who is responsible for setting standards? Do they fully understand how standards affect learner outcomes? 1B Curriculum How is the curriculum set? What curriculum is used in the schools? Is the curriculum appropriate for the students' capabilities? Do the teachers follow the curriculum and finish the year on schedule? How close is the teacher to the plan for the curriculum? 1C Relevance Are the subjects relevant? Is the content tailored to the local community? Does the content prepare students to be positive contributors to society? Is there a leadership programme for students that is relative to their experience in the community? Are teachers free to use real-world activities and material in their instruction?
Low-Cost Private Schools Knowledge Framework | School model 2. PROVISION 2A Teaching and Materials What teaching aids are available for teachers (eg. teacher guides, standard lesson plans)? Are any innovative classroom teaching techniques used? Do teachers display positive classroom management techniques (for example, do they avoid corporal punishment)? Is there evidence of varied, engaging, pedagogical approaches? Is there a feedback loop? Are there wall charts and other instructional materials on display? Are there manipulables for younger students? Do students enjoy school? Do students ask questions and actively participate? Are students empowered? Do they show confidence? Is there a positive culture amongst the students? 2B Textbooks What is the quality of the textbooks? How were the textbooks chosen? Are the textbooks self-published by the chain? Are they purchased locally? Are there any issues with procuring the textbooks (such as distribution delays)? Do teachers use the textbooks to create lesson plans? Do students use the textbooks during class? Can students take the textbooks home? 2C Technology Are learning technologies used in the classroom? Is there a media lab? Have teachers been trained to use the lab? Does the school leader use technology to help manage the school? Is this just for administration?
Low-Cost Private Schools Knowledge Framework | School model 3. LEARNING ENVIRONMENT 3A Facilities Are there basic facilities (eg. drinking water, electricity)? Are there separate bathrooms for girls and boys? Are other facilities available, such as a computer lab? What is the quality of school infrastructure? Are there adequate security arrangements? Can the classrooms adequately accommodate all enrolled students? Do all schools look similar across the chain? Is there a maintenance plan and schedule? 3B Learning schedule How is the school schedule set? How does the day break down hour by hour? Is there time for teacher development and discussion? How many lessons are held each day? Are the lessons the right length? Are learning schedules determined for each student? Is the length of the school day appropriate by age? How many days of the year is the school open? How does this compare to other schools? 3C Classroom structure Are classrooms structured by single age or single grade? What is the seating arrangement? Is there the opportunity for children to work in groups? Is the noise level from adjoining classes disruptive? Is there adequate natural light and ventilation? Are the classrooms crowded?
Low-Cost Private Schools Knowledge Framework | School model 4. HUMAN CAPITAL 4A Teacher recruitment Are teachers found locally? Are there many higher-paying alternatives for teachers? Do several capable, motivated teaching candidates apply for each position? Are there formal criteria used to select teachers? Are they written down? How long does initial teacher training last? What is the quality of this training? Are teachers inducted into the school? Does this process prepare teachers adequately for their first day? 4B Teacher development & retention Are teachers continuously developed individually and collectively? Is teacher performance managed appropriately? Are there incentives? Is it clear that teacher training has an impact on student learning? Does the school schedule allow for collective teacher development? Do teachers enjoy their jobs? Are teachers excited by their development trajectory? Is there a low teacher turnover? 4C School leaders Are school leaders recruited by merit? Are school leaders trained and developed effectively? Does school leader training prepare them for both educational and administrative duties? Is there a distinct manual? Is there a sound plan for succession and talent development? Do school leaders exchange best practice with other leaders? With teachers? Are school leaders evaluated in a way that improves their ability? Are school leaders changed when necessary? Is teacher turnover low? Is it managed effectively?
Low-Cost Private Schools Knowledge Framework | School model 5. MONITORING 5A Measuring progress How is progress measured? Are there both formative and summative assessments? What data and tools are used to track each student’s progress? What is the student success rate? What action is taken when children fall behind? How actively involved are parents? How are gifted children handled? 5B Data usage How is data collected, verified and fed back to staff? What data and tools are used to track each student’s progress? Does central management gather and store information? Does central management have mechanisms in place to make sense of data? Is data processed and the findings reported back to all stakeholders? How detailed is the data gathered? For instance, are individual text answers gathered by student? 5C Reporting to parents How is student progress reported to parents? Do parents receive a report card for all terms? Do teachers discuss progress with parents? Do school leaders? Is there an active parent-teacher programme in place? How often is progress reported to parents?
Low-Cost Private Schools Knowledge Framework | School model 6. MANAGEMENT 6A Central mgmt & power devolution Is the school chain managed centrally? Are decisions made by the appropriate department? What quality is the management team? Do staff have experience/ expertise? Are they dedicated? Is knowledge captured and shared? Are there performance management routines? Is consistency maintained? Are the LCPS chain owners involved appropriately? Do they share decision-making with their staff? Are decisions made centrally, by the school leader, by teachers, or by students? Are there clear, transparent, written down policies on authority limits? Can teachers deviate from prepared teaching manuals? Are their ways for parents to be involved in decision-making? Are students allowed to make decisions about their learning? 6B School chain structure & strategy What does the school hierarchy look like? Are there small groups of schools in clusters? Is there a strong strategic direction? How is it determined? Does central management agree on the strategy? Is there room to revise the plan? 6C Accountability & corporate governance How is the LCPS chain leadership managed? Who provides governance? What governance structure is in place? Is governance transparent? Is there long-term interest? Is technology used to drive consistency and accountability?