CCPS membership meeting March 2010 Progress report and Strategic planning 20010/11
Achievements 2009/10 Three key themes for 2009/10 Commissioning and procurement The new policy, planning and funding environment for public services Service quality and service development
Achievements 2009/10 Commissioning and procurement JIT/SPD procurement guidance SWIA self-evaluation guide on commissioning and SWIA report on ‘Improving Social Work in Scotland’ Influence on local procurement activity (incl. City of Edinburgh Council) Local Government and Communities Committee: homecare for the elderly enquiry; SCVO/STUC petition; call for scrutiny of procurement exercises Scottish Government Public Procurement Advisory Group Third sector statement (COSLA, SG, SOLACE, SCVO) “Tenderwatch”
Achievements 2009/10 The new policy, planning and funding environment for public services Second report on Single Outcome Agreements Briefing on Community Planning Partnerships Local Government and Communities Committee session on Single Outcome Agreements and Community Planning Local authority pages on website Provider optimism survey Initiation of cost/quality survey
Achievements 2009/10 Service quality and service development Joint work with ADSW on personalisation Input to debate(s) on ‘re-shaping care’ Event on demonstrating and measuring outcomes Members discussion events Self-directed support strategy Statement of values events
And another thing… Regulation and scrutiny Public Service Reform Bill Requirement on LAs to take inspection information into account Guarantee of consultation over powers to inspect providers Input to new business model for SCSWIS
…and another? Other parliamentary and policy activity Education Committee: Changing Lives Finance Committee: budget process Protection of Vulnerable Groups legislation
…and finally… Information service Website redevelopment Update bulletin Quarterly Info Digests Membership meetings: COSLA, SSSC, Reshaping Care, Single Point of Enquiry, political panel, scrutiny bodies Hosting VSSSWU and HSEU
2010 onwards… Determining a new strategic direction for CCPS
Horizon scanning: funding Recession and economic downturn: big public spending cuts to come Tendering: more of it, or finding alternatives? Taking services in-house Regional/national commissioning and purchasing Workforce implications: protecting pay and conditions Survival?
Horizon scanning: scrutiny Care Commission gradings show strength of voluntary sector (adult) services Potential for SCSWIS to reinforce connections between quality and commissioning decisions New approach to regulation and inspection including corporate inspection
Horizon scanning: landscape Future of Concordat/SOAs uncertain Engagement of sector in CPPs patchy Shared services: including pressure on our sector to collaborate more
Horizon scanning: service design Re-shaping care Self-directed support Personalisation Early intervention Outcomes/effectiveness Workforce implications
Election fever!
Mission statement CCPS exists to identify, represent, promote and safeguard the interests of voluntary sector and not-for-profit social care providers in Scotland, so that they can maximise the impact they have on meeting social need
C…C…P…S C HAMPION quality care and support C HALLENGE policy and practice that inhibits our sector’s ability to deliver it P REPARE providers for the challenges and opportunities ahead S UPPORT our members to understand, negotiate and contribute to the way
C…C…P…S Coalition of care providers in Scotland? Consortium for care providers in Scotland? Changing care provision in Scotland?