High Impact Corporate Social Responsibility for Kazakhstan 2 nd International PR Forum, Almaty May 16, 2006
2nd International PR Forum Origins of CSR Public Demand for Accountability Demand for Community Engagement Demand for Better Working Conditions Demand for Environmental Protection
2nd International PR Forum Argument Against CSR Companies Should Maximize Profit Shareholders, Not Management, Should Decide How to Invest Profits Community Engagement and Social Protection is the Responsibility of the Government, Not Corporations
2nd International PR Forum Why This Argument is Wrong Companies Cannot Maximize Profits Without Community Engagement No Government Can Solve All Community Needs on its Own CSR Can Have a Positive Impact on Business Environment
2nd International PR Forum The Role of Government Provide Social Protection (via taxes) Protect Environment and Work Force (via regulation) BUT…Government Must Provide Attractive Investment and Operating Environment for Business BECAUSE…Without Vibrant Economy, there is no tax base
2nd International PR Forum The Role of Business Maximize Profits, which will directly support employees and build a stronger economy Support their Communities, which will help ensure a better working environment Complement, BUT NOT REPLACE, the social protection work of local and federal governments
2nd International PR Forum Conclusion Government should support, but not control corporate community engagement Domestic corporations should follow global CSR best practices Domestic corporations should practice transparent community engagement and promote interactive community partnerships
High Impact Corporate Social Responsibility for Kazakhstan 2 nd International PR Forum, Almaty May 16, 2006