STRATFOR PROFESSIONAL A new, enhanced, fully integrated offering designed to get you the intelligence you need to protect your interests in either China or Mexico, or both (or something along those lines so it is clear that these are separate products) FEATURES Exclusive Daily Analysis: critical analytic updates on unstable investment (not everyone will be interested in these products from an investment standpoint. Think government/border localities that are potential clients. Perhaps could use “critical geographic areas and investment climates” to open it up.) climates for STRATFOR Professional clients only Monthly Report: monthly review and forecast of trends and events that impact stability (instead of instability, perhaps could make it more focused by saying “that impact each country’s political stability, economic and security environments) Video Roundtable: monthly video featuring STRATFOR experts Stability Tracking (Weekly Analytical Memos): weekly analysis on the trends in economics, politics, security and international affairs (Are these the memos? If so, I would just state that. As it, this paragraph makes it sound like we are going to have an index of some sort that says if certain environments are getting worse or not from week to week) BENEFITS I think something in this section that makes it more clear that you are getting a streamlined feed of intelligence on just China and Mexico or both would make it clear what the product is off the bat. Can make it appealing by stating how this will be a one-stop shop for the critical intelligence related to the geographic region that you are most interested in. Rapid Intelligence: Critical intelligence and analysis designed to help you make accurate, timely business decisions Comprehensive Analysis: Customers benefit from our extensive analytic experience, proven risk mitigation services, and rigorous forecasting model
STRATFOR PROFESSIONAL (cont’d) CHINA WEEKLY REPORTS Security Memo: documenting evolving trends in terrorism, criminal and political security threats throughout China (with interactive map) International Relations Memo: examining China’s aggressive moves in the international sphere and their global impact Political Memo: track decision making in the Chinese government to understand how it affects your operations (maybe just say “business operations” since this won’t be customized for each client) Economic Memo: monitor China’s volatile economic and regulatory environment MEXICO WEEKLY REPORTS Two Security Memos: critical analysis of gang (organized crime and cartel) violence and personnel security threats with two weekly security intelligence reports (with interactive maps) Political Memo: detangling the intricate power plays of Mexico’s political system Economic Memo: focusing on major regulatory and economic trends in this critical gateway market to the United States Plus, complete access to all of the information, resources and archives included with the global database offering