Personal Development Plan An absolutely essential follow-through after a Global 360 Leadership Development Review, if real change is hoped for.
The Personal Development Plan
Strength/Need My areas of growth: Strength or Weakness Goal I will know I have grown in this area when: (Measurable, Achievable, Observable) Root Issues What root issues hinder my growth in this area? Next Steps What do I need to learn? What resources do I need? What will I do next? When will I do it? Who will coach me? Personal Development Plan Name: ___________________ Coach: ___________ Date: ________ A to B
Taking steps of growth involves moving from A to B Step 1: Identify “A”, or “where you are” (clarify areas of growth, strengths or weaknesses, to be developed)
Using your review, identify two areas in which you want to grow, one strong area and one weak area. Examples: Become a better listener Learn to confront people when there is conflict Improve coaching skills Deepen in my relationship with the Lord Improve my computer and skills Grow in my effectiveness as a Spokesperson
Strength/Need: My areas of growth: Strength or Weakness Manage my emotional responses when I am disagreed with or caught off guard in a conversation. 360 Taken from my 360 feedback Shows where I am today Identifies an area of growth in my life
Moving from A to B Step 2: Ask “What” (write the goals needed to make progress in your area of growth)
Goal I will know I have grown in this area when: (Measurable, Achievable, Observable) I can count five times where I responded in a non defensive way when disagreed with or caught off guard by December. I receive feedback that a responded well in a potentially tense or confrontational situation. The goals can be measured, they are obtainable, and people can observe when progress is made.
Moving from A to B Step 3: Ask “Why” (Identify root issues/potential roadblocks)
Answers the question, “Why do I respond defensively when disagreed with or caught off guard?” Addresses the behavior (responding defensively) Addresses the reason for the behavior (I lack knowledge) Root Issues What root issues hinder my growth in this area? I tend to be a black and white thinker i.e. it is right or wrong. QT, friends I lack knowledge and experience in responding differently. I am unsure of how to respond in these situations so that it is not defensive.
Moving from A to B Step 4: Ask “How” (Identify specific steps)
The steps are specific to meet the goals They involve others in the growth process They involve being intentional Next Steps What do I need to learn? What resources do I need? What will I do next? When will I do it? Who will coach me? -Revisit “Changes That Heal” specifically Black and White thinking by August. -Have someone help me to see things from multiple points of view. EQi -Build my tool box with some “good responses” to help me get through the initial reaction. -Read “Difficult Conversations” - Read boundaries “Face to Face” -Process specific situation with a friend to think through how I might have better.
The coach helps a person complete the “ A to B ” process Need: My areas of growth: Strength or Weakness Goal I will know I have grown in this area when: (Measurable, Achievable, Observable) Root Issues What root issues hinder my growth in this area? Next Steps What do I need to learn? What resources do I need? What will I do next? When will I do it? Who will coach me? Manage my emotional responses when I am disagreed with or caught off guard in a conversation. 360 I can count five times where I responded in a non defensive way when disagreed with or caught off guard by December. I receive feedback that a responded well in a potentially tense or confrontational situation. I tend to be a black and white thinker i.e. it is right or wrong. QT, friends I lack knowledge and experience in responding differently. I am unsure of how to respond in these situations so that it is not defensive. Revisit “Changes That Heal” specifically black and white thinking. Have someone help me to see things from multiple points of view. EQi Build my tool box with some “good responses” to help me get through the initial reaction. -Read “Difficult Conversations” -Read boundaries “Face to Face” -Process specific situation with a friend to think through how I might have responded better. Coach___________