Group collective behavior
Collective V. Small Group We just finished discussing small group interactions. Now we will compare what we know about small groups with bigger groups known as collectives
Collective V. Small Group There is _____________ ____________ in a collective Norms are not set and can be very fluid in a collective Unity only lasts as long as the collective lasts Interaction is clearly defined There are roles, statuses and understood leadership in small groups There is usually unity among members of a small group
Group collective behavior A physical gathering of people
Types of group collectives All involve groups of people Crowd Mob Riot
Crowds Types of crowds Casual Crowd Conventional Crowd Expressive Crowd Acting Crowd
Non- Group Collectives These collectives are not started by a group, but can quickly turn into a collective situation PANICS Mass Hysteria Fashions Fads Rumors Myths and Urban Legends Public Opinion
Moral Panic
Mass Hysteria
Rumors and Urban Legends
Public Opinions
Explaining Collective behavior Contagion Theory Emergent Norm Theory Value added Theory
Contagion Theory Main Points 1. The collective group feels powerful and unstoppable 2. Emotions escalate rapidly and can overwhelm the senses of those in the collective 3.Collective members become less aware of their actions 4. The collective acts as if controlled by one mind
Emergent Norm Theory Refutes Contagion theory idea of one mind in collective Theory believes that individuals inside the collective create a new set of norms that govern behavior New norm is often set by one or two leaders
Value Added Theory Created to predict collective behavior Says that collective behavior is based on six traits Each trait builds on the trait before it
Value added traits: Social Conduciveness Social Structure
Social Strain Social conditions that stress people out
Generalized Beliefs Stereotype that that has become internalized
Precipitating Factors A dramatic emotional event that “proves” the generalized belief
Mobilization Collective begins to riot
Resolution Collective looses momentum or, powers disperse the collective
Bell work for 12-4-12 (no notes, you have five minutes!) What are the three sociological explanations for collective behavior? Summarize the first two sociological explanations for collective behavior. What are the six traits of the third sociological explanation that we discussed?
Time is up!!
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