La Clase de Español Profesora: Señora Spinogatti Sala: A27
Contact Information Phone: ext. 2127
Purpose of Course To foster Spanish communication. Acquiring skills in speaking, listening, reading and writing through student participation in individual, pair and group work. To understand the diversity of the many Hispanic cultures. Through the 5 C’s of learning a language: Communication, Culture, Comparison, Connections and Communities, students will continue to develop their skills to interact and create meaningful conversation
Materials Text book: Así se dice – must be covered and brought to class EVERYDAY!!! Fines will be issued for damaged or lost books!!! Notebook or Binder 1) vocabulario 2) Apuntes 3) Trabajo de la clase 4) Tarea (homework will always be collected, loose leaf) Collins book (I will supply and keep in class) Pencils and Pens
Grading Homework – will be given several times a week and will always be collected. Homework will be worth 20% of the marking period grade. Quizzes / Paso assessments – will be given at the end of each section of a chapter approximately 3 per month and will be worth 30% of the marking period grade. Tests / Chapter assessments – will be given at the end of each chapter with a total of 1 to 2 per month and will be worth 50% of the marking period grade
Behavior / Discipline Student’s are to remain seated from bell to bell. Student’s are to respect one another and all property in the classroom. Student’s are to raise their hand if they have a question or need assistance. Student’s are to keep their electronic devices, i.e. cell phones, on silent and out of sight. Student’s are to do their work to the best of their ability and on time. Student’s are to follow the 6 basic rules of the school found in the student handbook. If any of the rules are broken, discipline will be awarded in the form of a teacher detention for less severe offenses and referrals for more severe offenses. If any of the rules are broken, discipline will be awarded in the form of a teacher detention for less severe offenses and referrals for more severe offenses.
Advice for the Class Be present both physically and mentally Take all notes and review them daily/over the weekend. Do all homework and class work Keep up on the vocabulary by studying nightly and finding a study habit that works best for you Ask questions both in and after class Make a friend in class that you can rely on for missed work due to absence Stay after school for additional assistance.