AIHA Town Hall Meeting: Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) February 24, 2012
Overview Baltimore Local Section MOU meeting review MOU Path Forward MOU Timeline Questions (Discussion)
Meeting Representation : Baltimore 46 LS officers! (Out of 73 Total: 8 of 9 LSRRs) Central South Central Pacific South Midwest Northwest Mid-Atlantic Northeast
Baltimore , Some Comments ConcernSuggested Resolution Have LS been involved in MOU development? Now is the time for full and honest input and communication. Why are we doing this?Many LS don’t know what AIHA does or how we can work together, this will help. We are also clarifying roles. An explanatory “package” is neededIt’s coming along with at least two town hall meetings. Input is wanted. Need a process if an AIHA/LS discontinuance is ever needed That is being evolved. It’s not a step we ever hope to take. MOU is “heavy handed”Assure ample time for LS input and work to resolve any concerns
MOU Path Forward Responding to all LS officers comments (DRAFT #2) Synergist article (February 2012) Town Hall Meetings (Second Meeting ?) Keeping LSRR and all stake holders informed with updates ( : LSRR and AIHA Board Member Town Hall Update)
MOU Timeline From Section III, Implementation –September 30, Date for all sections to have signed the MOU –October 31, LSRR will be notified of any LS declining to participate. –March 1, If the LS refuses to participate, the President may invoke a three month probationary period. During this time no support benefits may come from AIHA. –June 1, At the end of the probationary period the AIHA board has the power to sunset the section.
Questions / Discussion