Alkarma Language School Chapter 10 The party The Magic Flute
Alkarma Language School The Emperor went to the forest to catch the golden bird. He heard the sound of a flute. He followed the sound. He saw Chang and heard the golden bird singing. Some wolves made a circle round him. Chang promised to help the greedy Emperor only if he gave half of his money to his people! He agreed and Chang played the flute to send the wolves away from him. Let’s recall what happened in the last chapter.
Alkarma Language School You are going to have a few minutes to read pages 39, 40 and 41. Let’s start reading Chapter 10
Alkarma Language School The Emperor kept his promise. He put half of his bags of gold on the ground. He told his three sons that he wants to give half of his gold to his people. That night, the people had a party outside the palace. The Emperor and his three sons were there too.
Alkarma Language School Chang, the old man and all the animals were in the party – even the Emperor’s TWENTY sheep! The people cheered for Chang and his magic flute. Chang took out his three bags of jewels and shared them with the people as they shared the Emperor’s gold.
Alkarma Language School Do you why did Chang have THREE bags of jewels? Those were the bags of jewels he took from the Emperor’s sons when they were trying to catch the golden bird.
Alkarma Language School Read chapter 10 again Answer pages 20 & 21 in the workbook.