The College Process for Students with Special Needs
Your Presenters Mrs. Kim HerwerthMrs. Kim Herwerth School Counselor at GHS Dr. Blair JensenDr. Blair Jensen School Psychologist at GHS
Overview of Presentation Differences between services in high school and college Examples of services available in college; different colleges offer a range of different types of student support programs and services Characteristics that college admission staff are looking for in LD/ADD applicants
Parents’ role in preparing their child for college The school’s role in preparing the student for college Parents’ role in the application process The school’s role in the application process Overview of Roles
School Counseling Office The role of the school counselors in preparing your child for college Grade 9 Grade 10 Grade 11 Grade 12
Grade 9 Transition to High School Part II
Grade 9 Academic monitoring Solid schedule including college prep courses Encourage extracurricular activities High school transcript information Planning for next school year with courses and credits Promote student self advocacy Close contact with case manager
Grade 10 Continued reinforcement of importance of: Academic performance Accruing credits Increasing self advocacy skills in managing school challenges Extracurricular participation CAPT test/Science only State test used to show mastery of local performance objectives needed for graduation
Grade 10 College Planning PSAT Fall practice test for SAT Reasoning Test Registration information is reviewed with students in classroom setting prior to test date Individual career/ personality/interest inventories offered to students Students are encouraged to attend the Fall College Fair
Grade 11 Beginning to Focus on Postsecondary Planning
Focus on General Post Secondary Planning PSAT’s in fall Fall College/Career Fair Junior Mini Groups Individual career/interest inventories Computer searches in Career Resources Room in spring Spring Junior Parent meetings Group and individual
Grade 11-Postsecondary Planning Consideration of anticipated level of support needed at college level Research/Contact college learning services departments Visits to schools Disclosure consideration Appropriate documentation (Psych educational Eval, medical report, Physician’s note, IEP, 504 Plan, SOP Section 504 and Special Education Students College Center for Academic Support
Grade 12 Post-Secondary Transition Plan
Post Secondary Planning for Section 504 and Special education Students Possible updated psych educational evaluations being completed Revisit disclosure issue Continue to communicate with college learning service staff/forwarding of required information College visits Review of support resources (ex/BRS)
Goals for Successful Post Secondary Transition : 1.Student to develop/maintain good academic habits 2.Student to practice good self advocacy skills 3.Student and families to use supports to put in place a post-secondary plan Team of student, parent(s) and school staff
Services & Accommodations High School vs. College Services
College Services The law governing services and accommodations for college falls under Section 504, the Americans with Disabilities Act, not IDEA (the laws governing special education preK-12) Section 504 states that accommodations must be made but does not specify that services must be provided Services will vary amongst colleges and there may be an extra fee involved
College Services Provided on case by case basis from updated testing Extended time for testing Preferential seating Tape recorders allowed but a note taker is preferred Reader/Scribe for exams Accessible classrooms Use of Adaptive equipment Assistive technology-e.g. MCC
College Services Accommodations that are available at the high school level may not be available at the college level e.g. Word banks, study guides, positive reinforcement Professors will not modify only accommodate
College Services Examples of Different Schools’ Programs
Manchester Community College No fee involved Will help student with developing self advocacy in securing accomodations and with problem situations Requires student to self- advocate and take initiative Will meet regularly with student and give student ideas and steps to work on Must be student initiated
Mitchell College Fee for service Levels of service available Will arrange meetings with your child up to 4 times/week to develop study skills and self- advocacy Additional cost above tuition of up to $6500+ Student initiated support (designed to be less intensive) has no fee
College admissions staff expect all students to be: Highly motivated to go to college and high school info demonstrates motivation Sufficient academic background and have the college prep classes needed To work hard, use supports, attend all classes, and go the extra mile if needed
College admissions staff expect special needs students: Understand his/her disability and uses strategies to compensate for it Meet deadlines independently-no late assignments in college-(will not be a modification available) Accept and seek help from disability office-greater need to self advocate
High School Classes Needed for College 4 years of English 3 years of math to include Algebra 1 & 2, Geometry 2 years of science-at least one lab course 2 years social science- (we require 3 social science) 2 years foreign language
Parents’ Role in Preparing Their Child for College Expect your child to be a more independent student as he or she progresses through high school Expect student to complete homework regularly with increasing independence Encourage your child to manage as rigorous a college prep course load as he/ she can handle Encourage your child to have activities in high school both to promote his/her well being and to have on activity list for college
Parents’ role for special needs students Understand how your child’s disability impacts his or her learning Start the process of putting together your child’s disability documentation packet early – 9 th grade (transition file) Keep copies of report cards, PPT forms; 504 Plans, letter of accommodations received on SAT
The School’s Role in Preparing Special Education Students for Transition Incorporated in the curriculum Students can be recommended for 2 classes through the special ed department called Strategies for Success 1 & 2 and/or Academic Assistance that include explanation of their disabilities, strategies to compensate and self advocacy skills Expect increasing independence and self advocacy from students as they progress through high school Reduce unnecessary modifications Provide as rigorous a curriculum as the student can manage with increasing independence
Parents’ Role in the College Planning Process Research the services that colleges provide for their special needs students Visit schools with your child Help them with applications Attend junior parent meeting in spring
The School’s Role in the College Process Two general things to know: School will assist with college planning meetings for all students School will provide more support with college search and application process for special education/504 students who need it
Accommodations for SAT’s and College Update testing for accommodation eligibility Assist with extra time for SAT’s for those who qualify SAT sets their own standards that are more rigorous than Connecticut sets for schools Receipt of accommodations on SAT’s does not automatically qualify as proof of evidence for college level accommodations
Who Will Qualify for SAT Accommodations? On current testing, student must still show evidence of a processing speed deficit as well as an impact in a specific academic area. Must use extended time at least 50% of the time in academic classes
Books in Career Counseling Office The K& W Guide to Colleges for Students with Learning Disabilities or Attention Deficit Disorder Colleges with Programs for Students with Learning Disabilities or Attention Deficit Disorder Job Search Handbook for People with Disabilities Colleges for Students with Learning Disabilities or ADD The College Sourcebook for Students with Learning and Developmental Differences
Useful Websites –Website for the company that runs the SAT’s and ACT’s and how they provide accommodations for students with disabilities.. –Government website that explains the rights of students with disabilities in applying for and attending college –LD Online: The leading Web site on learning disabilities for parents, teachers, and other professionals –Website on how to select a college, self-advocacy, assistive technology, success strategies –Website published by United Cerebral Palsy National –Website published by the National Center for Learning Disabilities –Many internet links to other resources in this article – –Website LD/ AD/HD/Resources for College – –Website for Autism spectrum – –Website Asperger Syndrome, College Resource Guide
Examples of college websites for students with disabilities University of Connecticut- Southern Connecticut State University- Manchester Community College- special.php special.php Mitchell College- Roger Williams University-