Policy Framework Project Presented by Lisa Harris The International Alliance of Patients’ Organizations
About IAPO IAPO is a unique global alliance of national, regional and international groups representing 370,000,000 patients worldwide Vision: That patients throughout the world are at the centre of healthcare Mission: to help build patient-centred healthcare in every country by –Realizing active partnerships with patients’ organizations, maximizing their impact through capacity building –Advocating internationally with a strong patients’ voice on relevant aspects of healthcare policy, with the aim of influencing international, regional and national health agendas and policies –Building cross-sector alliances and working collaboratively with like- minded medical and health professionals, policy makers, academics, researchers and industry representatives IAPO realised the need to establish a sound and credible method of developing policy statements on key healthcare issues in line with our values of transparency, consistency and accountability
Patients and Patients’ Organizations Media International Health professionals and allied professionals Professional associations Insurance companies Public Health-related non-profit and non-governmental organizations Policy-makers Regional and national governments International bodies Employers Healthcare payers Academics Academic institutions Pharmaceutical, medical technology and biotechnology companies Pharmacies Business groups IAPO Stakeholder Map
Objectives The publication of our Policy Framework aimed to make ‘the science of muddling through’ (C.Lindblom) more accessible and: Provide a consistent and transparent method of formulating policy on global issues in healthcare Represent the patients’ voice - to assist IAPO to develop policy formulation methods which effectively represent patients worldwide and influence global health agendas and policies Build the capacity of members - to allow IAPO’s member patients’ organizations insight into our policy formulation methods, to assist them in the development of policy formulation processes and advocacy work
Establish need for a Policy Framework Research Consult large international member organizations about their policy development Internet research Academic research consultation with members Compiling research and writing policy Communicating Policy Framework to IAPO members and public Policy Framework used by IAPO and its members to address key healthcare issues Ongoing review of Policy and Framework Project Implementation – May 2004
The policy framework contains information on: Guiding Principles Building Resources Identifying Policy Priorities and Providing Information to Patients’ Organizations Policy Formulation Models Policy Communication Policy Evaluation
Results Positive feedback from members “ Incredibly helpful… it has provided me with a perfect template ” “I feel as though I have been given a huge helping hand “ A consistent and transparent method of formulating policy on global issues in healthcare IAPO has implemented this framework in: IAPO Manifesto for Patient-Centred Healthcare (working title, due February 2006) IAPO Policy Statement on Patient Involvement (May 2005) IAPO Response to EU Reflection process on achieving good health for all across the EU (September 2004) IAPO Response to WHO Priority Medicines for the Citizens of Europe and the World Report (September 2004) IAPO Comments on WHO publication Preparing a healthcare workforce for the 21st Century: The Challenge of Chronic Conditions (April-July 2004)
Conclusions Sharing resources to not ‘reinvent the wheel’ A strong Policy Framework is essential for successful advocacy Policy-making discussions with key international stakeholders Patients’ Organizations advocating on a regional level for their specific area Patients’ individual experiences IAPO consolidates a global patients message
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