Transforming Course Design A CSU Funded Initiative
Project Objectives: Primary Goals: Enhance learning experiences and student success, through learner- centered and technology-enabled instruction; Contain/reduce the costs of instruction, including a focus on optimizing the time invested in learning and teaching by students and faculty.
KEY QUALITY IMPROVEMENT STRATEGIES (Twigg, 2007) Online Tutorials Continuous Assessment and Feedback Increased Interaction Among Students On-Demand Support Mastery Learning
KEY COST REDUCTION TECHNIQUES (Twigg, 2007) Online Tutorials Automated Assessment Course Management Systems Shared Resources Staffing Substitutions
Student Success via Informed Pedagogy Working Smarter – Not Harder; Limiting faculty having to “learn” something new; Moving from Sage on the Stage to Guide on the Side; Overcoming the “stuffed” curriculum (Cousin, 2006). Identifying “threshold” concepts for mastery learning (Meyer & Land, 2006).
The CSU Transforming Course Design initiative: the plan : Move institutions ‘forward one step’ -o engagement indicated: (~5 institutions) Exploration … Course Demonstration … Program Development … Extending Capability … Regional & national visibility and leadership… Foster Discipline Collaborations …
e-Module Prototype: Threshold Concept Tutorial Topic: Learning Objective: Textbook page reference: 1 minute “instructor” introduction 5 to 8 minute “talking head” STUDENT (video window) Minute 1: Attention Getter – motivate student to engage Minute 2: Establish Need – Why is this content important? Minute 3– 7: Cover Content – Deliver threshold content Minute 8 – Call to Action: Identify next action for student to take 1 minute “instructor” wrap-up and call to complete the quiz 5 to 10 item quiz on threshold content w/automatic grading Resources and Links Glossary Examples Additional Learning Objects Questions Discuss this Topic
e-Module Prototype: Global Awareness Global Awareness: Making a World of Difference Around the Globe this Month Video Window, clips of world news and events Global Learning Expeditions: e-xplore one of the global regions from “Around the Globe this Month” Global Blogging: Read a student blogs; create your own global blog Meet Your Global Neighbor: Discuss news and events with students at a university outside the USA. Signature Assignment Options: A World of Opportunities: Study Abroad