Harmonized Child Protection/GBV data collection and reporting system JP2 Peace building and enhancing protection systems
JP2 Outcome Women and children are empowered to overcome specific post-conflict hardship (e.g. psychical and economic security, political participation) and to end GBV and discrimination.
6 Outputs - JP2 Outcome 1.Psychosocial Care and support services in all 7 districts. 2.Community Dialogues on GBV, Gender Equality and child protection in 7 JP PB target districts 3.District mechanisms for regular collect’n & documentation of reported incidents of GBV & CP established & functional 4.Increased capacity of district authorities to plan & bgt for addressing GBV, Child Protection & human rights violations 5.Case-management and referral pathway for children and GBV survivors in all 7 targeted districts 6.Children formerly associated with armed groups & other children affected by conflict are supported through reception, interim care and or reunification with families/ communities of origin
Output 3: District mechanisms for regular collection & documentation of reported incidents of GBV and CP established and functional UNICEF & UNFPA worked with DLGs and NGOs to harmonized Child Protection/GBV data collection and reporting system.
Rationale – GBV and CP Interplay GENDER BASED VIOLENCE VIOLENCE AGAINST CHILDREN Sexual violence against girls Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Girls including: - Prostitution - Trafficking - Pornography Sexual harassment FGM/C Forced/ Early marriage Sex selective abortion Female Infanticide Differential Feeding & other forms of son preference Discrimination in Education Sexual violence against boys Physical abuse of boys Corporal punishment State violence against children Torture Bullying and peer violence Gang violence Child labour (Use of Children by Armed Forces) Sexual Violence Domestic Violence Sexual harassment Forced treatment, the exploitation and commercialization of women bodies. Honor Crimes Abuse of Elderly Women Dowry Crimes and Bride-Price Abuse
Process The decision to harmonize GBV and CP mechanism was discussed at planning stage Both systems for GBV and CP data collection and reporting tools were developed with inputs from trainings conducted for DLG and NGO staff; Forms and format for data collection, computers, connectivity were provided to the partners Data was generated and shared
Results Both DLGs and NGOs have systems for GBV and CP data collection and reporting that are functional Existing actors in GBV & CP mapped Software for 24 hour call-center for Help-line developed and functional, with personnel trained By end of June 2012, 5,689 persons had received psycho-social support and care services, out-of-which 65% were children, 18% youth, 18% Adults. Overall, 65% of GBV survivors who received services are Females. Coordination mechanism for data collection and analysis is functional
Challenges The current GBV IMS system for data management in conflict situations used by NGOs maintains confidentiality and protection of GBV survivors. This makes it rather difficult for NGOs to share sensitive data about GBV survivors with the Gov’t and poses a constraint to harmonization. The project period was too short for the two systems of GBV & CP data collection and reporting to mature to the level of complete harmonization
Lesson Learnt There is need for a phased planning for systems development activities with long life span for maturity that involved many stakeholders like harmonization of IMS for GBV and Child protection. Harmonization of data collection and reporting system for GBV and CP is worthwhile venture that is continuing to the next phase of follow-up to JP PBP.
Way Forward UNICEF and UNFPA will continue to work together with their partners to develop and strengthen the GBV and CP data collection and reporting systems to a level of maturity that will favor a harmonized IMS.