“ Deeds, processes & performances” Definition of Service Zeithmal & Bitner- “ Deeds, processes & performances” Deeds- actions of Service Providers Processes- steps in providing services Performance- customer's understanding of service delivery Kotler- “A service is any act or performance that one party can offer to another that is essentially intangible & does not result in the ownership of anything. Its production may be or may not be tied to a physical product.”
Types of Services Communication Transportation Real Estate Services Entertainment Marketing Related Services Financial & Insurance Medical Government Public Utility Services- Water, Electricity & Gas Hospitality Trading Services- wholesale, retailing Other Professional Services Internet Based Services E-Commerce etc
Why Services Marketing? 1. Service Based Economy 2. Service as a Business Imperative in Manufacturing & IT 3. Professional Service Needs & De-regulation 4. Services Marketing is Different from Manufacturing & Goods Mktg 5. Service leads to Profit
SERVICE BLUEPRINT A service blueprint is a picture or map that accurately portrays the service system so that the different people involved in providing it can understand and deal with it objectively, regardless of their roles or their individual points of view. A service blueprint visually displays the service through, Process of the service delivery The points of customer contact The roles of customers & employees & The visible elements of service SERVICE BLUE PRINT PROCESS Points of CONTACT EVIDENCE
Service Mapping/Blueprinting A tool for simultaneously depicting the service process, the points of customer contact, and the evidence of service from the customer’s point of view.
Service Blueprint Components CUSTOMER ACTIONS line of interaction “ONSTAGE” CONTACT EMPLOYEE ACTIONS line of visibility “BACKSTAGE” CONTACT EMPLOYEE ACTIONS line of internal interaction SUPPORT PROCESSES
Service Blueprint Components
Express Mail Delivery Service Truck Packaging Forms Hand-held Computer Uniform Truck Packaging Forms Hand-held Computer Uniform PHYSICAL EVIDENCE Customer Calls Customer Gives Package Receive Package CUSTOMER Driver Picks Up Pkg. (On Stage) Deliver Package CONTACT PERSON (Back Stage) Customer Service Order Airport Receives & Loads Fly to Sort Center Dispatch Driver Unload & Sort Load On Truck Fly to Destination SUPPORT PROCESS Load on Airplane Sort Packages
Overnight Hotel Stay Bill Desk Lobby Hotel Exterior Parking PHYSICAL EVIDENCE Hotel Exterior Parking Cart for Bags Desk Registration Papers Lobby Key Elevators Hallways Room Cart for Bags Room Amenities Bath Menu Delivery Tray Food Appearance Food Arrive at Hotel Give Bags to Bellperson Call Room Service Check out and Leave CUSTOMER Go to Room Receive Bags Sleep Shower Receive Food Check in Eat Greet and Take Bags (On Stage) Process Registration Deliver Bags Deliver Food Process Check Out CONTACT PERSON Take Food Order (Back Stage) Take Bags to Room Registration System Prepare Food Registration System SUPPORT PROCESS
Building a Service Blueprint Step 1 Identify the process to be blue-printed. Step 2 Identify the customer or customer segment. Step 3 Map the process from the customer’s point of view. Step 4 Map contact employee actions, onstage and back-stage. Step 5 Link customer and contact person activities to needed support functions. Step 6 Add evidence of service at each customer action step.
Example of Service Blueprinting 11
Service Blueprinting Steps 1. Identify processes 2. Isolate fail points 3. Establish a time frame 4. Analyze profitability
Application of Service Blueprints New Service Development concept development market testing Supporting a “Zero Defects” Culture managing reliability identifying empowerment issues Service Recovery Strategies identifying service problems conducting root cause analysis modifying processes
Blueprints Can Be Used By: Service Marketers creating realistic customer expectations service system design promotion Operations Management rendering the service as promised managing fail points training systems quality control Human Resources empowering the human element job descriptions selection criteria appraisal systems System Technology providing necessary tools: system specifications personal preference databases