1 1 Strategic Programming in Java Pierre-Etienne Moreau Antoine Reilles Stratego User Day, December, 1 st, 2006
2 2 Context Protheo group, Nancy (C. Kirchner) 4 permanent researchers 12 PhD students Application domain: improve the quality of software semantics of (rule and graph based) languages: Rho calculus theorem provers: deduction modulo, termination rule based programming: Elan, …, Tom –4 PhD students involved –program analysis –compilation –certification –language design (constraint, business rule)
3 3 Motivations After 20 years of research in rewriting We are convinced that: specifying by rewriting is a nice idea But, we now want to: make rewriting usable in practice integrate rewriting into existing programming environments
4 4 Motivations Our approach: take the best of ASF+SDF, ELAN, Maude, and Stratego design and develop a set of Java tools that offer similar constructs: –algebraic data-type (Gom) –equational pattern matching (Tom) –strategic programming (Java Library + Gom) –simplification rules (Tom + Gom)
5 5 Short presentation of Tom A Java program is a Tom program import pil.term.types.*; import java.util.*; public class Pil { … public final static void main(String[] args) { Expr p1 = …; System.out.println("p1 = " + p1); … }
6 6 Tom adds algebraic data-types to Java Gom supports many-sorted first order signature import pil.term.types.*; import java.util.*; public class Pil { … public final static void main(String[] args) { Expr p1 = …; System.out.println("p1 = " + p1); … } %gom { module Term imports int String abstract syntax Bool = | True() | False() | Eq(e1:Expr, e2:Expr) Expr = | Var(name:String) | Let(var:Expr, e:Expr, body:Expr) | Seq(i1:Expr, i2:Expr) | If(cond:Bool, e1:Expr, e2:Expr) | a() | b() }
7 7 An algebraic term is a Java object Back-quote (`) to build a term import pil.term.types.*; import java.util.*; public class Pil { … public final static void main(String[] args) { Expr p1 = System.out.println("p1 = " + p1); … } %gom { module Term imports int String abstract syntax Bool = | True() | False() | Eq(e1:Expr, e2:Expr) Expr = | Var(name:String) | Let(var:Expr, e:Expr, body:Expr) | Seq(i1:Expr, i2:Expr) | If(cond:Bool, e1:Expr, e2:Expr) | a() | b() } `Let(Var("x"),a(), Let(Var("y"),b(),Var("x")));
8 8 Tom adds pattern matching to Java %match supports syntactic and associative pattern matching import pil.term.types.*; import java.util.*; public class Pil { … public final static void main(String[] args) { Expr p1 = …; System.out.println("p1 = " + p1); …(pretty(p1)); } … } public static String pretty(Object o) { %match(o) { Var(name) -> { return `name; } Let(var,expr,body) -> { return "let " + pretty(`var) + " <- " + pretty(`expr) + " in " + pretty(`body); } … } return o.toString(); }
9 9 Summary Tom offers 3 new constructs: %gom: generate a typed data structure `: build a term %match: syntactic matching and list-matching Gom Tom Java Tom+Java Data structure Pattern matching
10 Demo
Strategies in Tom Tom is powerful, but clearly not enough There is no separation between Transformation and Control Question: s tarting from the JJTraveler library (J. Visser, OOPSLA 2001) s tudying ASF+SDF, ELAN and Stratego c an we design a powerful strategy language, usable in Java ? The answer is Yes
First inspiration: Stratego [E. Visser] Elementaty strategies Id Fail Transformation rule Basic strategies Sequence Choice All One Not Parameterized and recursive strategies Try(s) = Choice(s,Identity) Repeat(s) = Try(Sequence(s,Repeat(s))) Repeat(s) = mu x. Try(Sequence(s,x)) BottomUp(s) = mu x. Sequence(All(x),s)
Second inspiration: JJTraveler [J. Visser] public interface Visitor { /** Pay a visit to any visitable object. */ public Visitable visit(Visitable any) throws VisitFailure; } public interface Visitable { /** Returns the number of children of any visitable. */ public abstract int getChildCount(); /** Returns the ith child of any visitable. */ public abstract Visitable getChildAt(int i); /** Replaces the ith child of any visitable, and returns this visitable. */ public abstract Visitable setChildAt(int i, Visitable child); }
Visitor combination and traversal control module term T1 = a() | b() | f(arg:T1) T2 = … class T1 extends termAbstractType { termAbstractType accept(termVisitor v) { v.visit_T1(this); } interface termVisitor { T1 visit_T1(T1 arg); T2 visit_T2(T2 arg); } abstract class termAbstractType { termAbstractType accept(termVisitor v); } class termForward { Visitable visit(Visitable v) { return ((termAbstractType)v).accept(this); } T1 visit_T1(T1 arg) { return default.visit(arg); } T2 visit_T2(T2 arg) { return default.visit(arg); } } class Rule extends termForward { public Rule() { super(new Fail()); } T1 visit_T1(T1 arg) { // code that implements lhs -> rhs // … return new Fail().visit(arg); } This is a Strategy!
public class TopDown extends Sequence { public TopDown(Visitor s) { super(s,new All(this)); } TopDown(Rule) TopDown(s) = mu x. Sequence(s,All(x)) T1 t = `f(a,f(a,b)); Visitor v = new TopDown(new Rule()); v.visit(t); public class TopDown extends Sequence { public TopDown(Visitor s) { super(s,null); then = new All(this); } public class Sequence implements Visitor { public Visitor first; public Visitor then; … public Visitable visit(Visitable any) throws VisitFailure { return then.visit(first.visit(any)); } Sequence s All
Comparison with Stratego Each elementary strategy is an object Execution is done via interpretation (method call) Failure is implemented via Java exception
Elementary strategies in Tom A Rule is an elementary strategy Identity and Fail are also elementary strategies a strategy is built using ` “x” and “z” are parameters of sort String the rule is applied once, at root position %strategy RenameVar(n1:String,n2:String) extends Identity() { visit Expr { Var(n) -> { if(`n==n1) return `Var(n2); } } Expr p1 = `Let(Var("x"),a(), Let(Var("y"),b(),Var("x"))); Expr p2 = `RenameVar("x","z").visit(p1); > Let(Var("x"),a(), Let(Var("y"),b(),Var("x")))
Basic strategies Big difference wrt. JJTraveler: BottomUp is user defined using the mu operator Expr p1 = `Let(Var("x"),a(), Let(Var("y"),b(),Var("x"))); Expr p2 = `BottomUp(RenameVar("x","z”)).visit(p1); > Let(Var(”z"),a(), Let(Var("y"),b(),Var(”z"))) public Strategy BottomUp(Strategy s) { return `mu(MuVar("x"),Sequence(All(MuVar("x")),s)); }
Key ingredients A strategy is a term can be built matched traversed Mu-expansion is done by applying a BottomUp Sequence Mu x Rule All x Sequence Mu x Rule All
How does it work? %typeterm Strategy { implement equals(t1,t2) } %op Strategy Fail() { is_fsym(t) make() } %op Strategy Choice(s1, s2) { is_fsym(t) get_slot(s1,t) get_slot(s2,t) make(first,then) } { VisitableVisitor } { t1.equals(t2) } { t instanceof Fail } { new Fail() } { t instanceof Choice} { t.getChildAt(FIRST) } { t.getChildAt(THEN) } { new Choice(first,then) } `Choice(Rule(),Fail()); is equivalent to: new Choice(new Rule(), new Fail()) We have Choice(x,y) << s `BottomUp(Expand()).apply(s) returns a new Strategy
21 Current library: basic.tom composed.tom
Parameterized strategies a strategy can be parameterized by values: a strategy can do side effects: %strategy RenameVar(n1:String,n2:String) extends Identity() { … } %strategy CollectVar(c:Collection) extends Identity() { visit Expr { -> { c.add(v) } } Collection set = new HashSet(); `BottomUp(CollectVar(set)).apply(p1);
sometimes we need to recursively call the current calling strategy this breaks separation between rules and control solution: give the calling context as argument Strategies parameterized by a strategy `mu(MuVar(“s”),BottomUp(Rule(MuVar(“s”)).visit() %strategy Rule(s:Strategy) extends Identity() { visit Expr { Let(v,e,body) -> { … `s.apply(body); } } `BottomUp(Rule()).visit() %strategy Rule() extends Identity() { visit Expr { Let(v,e,body) -> { … `BottomUp(Rule()).visit(body); … } } %strategy Rule(s:Strategy) extends Identity() { visit Expr { Let(v,e,body) -> { %match(s) { Mu(x, Choice(…)) -> { Strategy ds = `debugWeaver().visit(s); … `ds.visit(body); } Sequence Mu x All Sequence Debug Rule
24 Demo
From ASF+SDF, ELAN, Maude and Stratego From ASF+SDF list-matching (associative matching with neutral element) From Stratego traversal strategies (All, One) naming and semantics of operators From ELAN statically typed rules and strategies non-determinism experience no AC, no backtracking strategy as a term New in Tom identity based strategies strategy can be applied on a strategy notion of position
Identity based strategies %strategy Rule() extends Fail() { // a -> b // default: failure } Innermost(s) = mu x. All(x) ; ((s ; x) <+ Id) `Innermost(Rule()).visit(t); %strategy RuleId() extends Identity() { // a -> b // default: x -> x } InnermostId(s) = mu x. All(x) ; SequenceId(s,x) `InnermostId(RuleId()).visit(t);
Other nice features A strategy knows where it is applied (global information) useful to implement non-deterministic search (prover, model checker) Gom provides a hook mechanism useful to maintain terms in canonical form (sorted list) Anti-pattern matching car(white,!ecological) XML pattern matching (_*, x, _*, x, _*) -> { … } Strategy library for graphs useful for bytecode analysis
Conclusion There are many similarities with Stratego Integration of rules and strategies in a Java environment Pure Java implementation Main advantages: Tom and Java data-structures are compliant makes debugging easier any Java program is a Tom program no deployment problem Room for improvements: better integration into Java connection to SDF support for concrete syntax