Xu Shuo Deputy Director, Fishery Information Engineering Research Center 中 国 水 产 科 学 研 究 院 Chinese Academy of Fishery Sciences
About us About fishing port development About GIS applicationFollow-up development
CAFS Introduction of CAFS The bellwether of the fishery science In terms of sea areas : In terms of water valleys: In terms of engineering : The headquarter of the academy is located in Beijing
Introduction of our lab CAFS Main research Research of fishery data Platform construction Research of fishery e- government Research of marine fishery informatization
Function and Effect CAFS
Construction scale CAFS
GIS application in the other industry WeatherAgricultureStatistics Emergency command ……
GIS application in fishing port Fishing port information management platform CAFS
Fishery management GIS GIS is the technical basis to support fishery management development. FISHINGPORT+ GIS Development trend Informatization Digitalization Disaster prevention Characteristic of GIS Visual Simple Convenient Research objective
Research subject 1 data standard 2 data collection DATA GIS Platform key technology 1 framework 2 Software function CAFS
fishing port data standard Basic information Port capacity Water facilities Land facilities DATA
GIS→key technology CAFS Spatial data engineWebGISAjaxMap SuperMap IS.NET SuperMap SDX+ MapControl
Platform→framework CAFS
Platform→Software function CAFS
hot topic CAFS IOT + GIS Cloud + GIS 3D GISMobile GIS We can set up the integration application of fishing port management by using these four technologies. Surrounding investment and construction of fishing port, it can provide support for the whole life-cycle management of fishing port. Follow-up development