EOSDIS Status 11/7/2007 Dan Marinelli, Science Systems Development Office
EOSDIS Context ACCESS Distributed Active Archive Centers (DAACs) Instrument Science Team Facilities (SCFs and SIPSs) Data Assimilation Model Adapted from REASoN
EOSDIS Mission Profile
Cumulative Archive Volume (Oct Sep 2007)
Monthly Distribution Volume (Oct Sep 2007)
Monthly Distribution by Products (Oct Sep 2007)
Number of Accesses for October 2007 MethodASFEDCGHRCGSFCJPLLaRCNSIDCORNLSEDACTotal ECS Orders 021, , ,496 Non-ECS Orders ,351 WWW Inquiries 0049,314102,37321,19682,282221,65025, ,832 WWW Retrievals ,2889, ,559 FTP Accesses , ,339 Off-line Accesses Datapools 0317, ,155088, ,224 Total ,81750,348289,87331,042205,830222,45226,13201,166,137
EOSDIS Futures Future spending profile reflects reductions being achieved with evolution –GES DISC off of ECS by end of 2007; MODAPS performs MODIS processing and L1/atmospheres archive and distribution –ASDC DAAC schedule seems to be moving right; looking at possible risk mitigation –ECS evolution development to be complete by March 2008 ECS contract being extended to May 2009; ESDIS is looking at ways to support maintenance of ECS beyond 2009 THG grant expires 7/2008; and we’re expecting to continue funding THG with a new grant (3 years)