Chapter Excellence Meets Educational Excellence: Gathering “Eggcellence” for Your Chapter - What’s in Your Basket?
Chapter Excellence in Chapters earned Gold 8 Chapters earned Silver 2 Chapters earned Bronze 7 Chapters earned Honorable Mention 30 Chapters did not apply How Excellent is your chapter? Does your chapter receive the score you think it deserves? Where would you like your chapter to be?
Chapter Excellence Means Timely Reporting and Continuous Planning When is the report due? Who is responsible? Where is the form? Where do we send it?
Chapter/Education al Excellence Means Quality Programs Advance Excellence in Education: 43 - Support for Early Career Educators 50 - Educational Excellence 33 - Educational Law and Policy 12 - Pedagogical Research 46 - “Hot Topics” in Education Empower Women: 54 - Personal Growth of Women/Life- long Learning 45 - Arts, Music, Humanities 43 - Community Leadership 48 - Professional Pride 49 - Participation of All Generations Increase Global Awareness: 33 - Increase Global Awareness 11 - DKG/UN Relationship 44 - Schools for Africa
Points for Xi State Convention and Chapter Meetings Involve more members to get them to attend meetings Present workshops to share your expertise Include the arts – Xi State Convention chorus, Arts Retreat, chapter program..\Dropbox\EEC \EECnewsMayJun2014FINAL.pdf..\Dropbox\EEC \EECnewsMayJun2014FINAL.pdf gallery-fine-arts gallery-fine-arts Legislative issues = Legislative Symposium or State legislator as speaker
$ for Chapter/Education al Excellence Convention expenses for president Schools for Africa (program counts as well as donation) Support for Early-career Educators (supportive action does not require $) World Fellowship (no set amount) Scholarships for advanced degrees Foundation awards for professional development or projects Membership growth means cultivating new members and sustaining existing ones Strong communications among members
More $ for Chapter/Education al Excellence Grant-in-Aid or Scholarship might go to someone pursuing an advanced degree or already enrolled in teacher education program State Projects
How Golden Chapters Succeed Start the planning process with chapter excellence in mind Plan programs with both chapter excellence and educational excellence in mind Build a website if you don’t have one already Encourage members to attend state and international events and be involved at those levels Make the most of donations Watch those deadlines and don’t let them get away from you.
How Golden Chapters Succeed Appoint someone (or a committee) to oversee chapter excellence Use every available opportunity to earn points Ask for help! Invite state officers, area directors, members of other chapters to meet with you and brainstorm Remember Chapter Excellence has nothing to do with chapter size. Even small chapters can be gold!