Unit XI- Architecture Romanesque and Gothic Architecture Romanesque and Gothic Architecture Copyright 2006; C. Pettinato, RCS High School, All Rights Reserved
1. Europe in 1100
2. Romanesque Architecture 1. Describe the characteristics of Romanesque Architecture – 1. Describe the characteristics of Romanesque Architecture – A. thick walls A. thick walls B. broad, rather than steep roofs B. broad, rather than steep roofs C. small windows – not much natural light C. small windows – not much natural light D. Roman arches or square top entrances, windows D. Roman arches or square top entrances, windows
3. Romanesque ("Roman-like") was first used to designate a style of architecture that used Roman arches and had thick, heavy walls, based upon the basilica.
4. Churches were designed with purpose in mind
5. St. Sernin: Toulouse
6. Radiating Chapels
7. Sainte-Foy is one of the earliest surviving examples of a Romanesque style pilgrimage church.
8. Saint Foy - Apse, Transept, and Bell Tower.
9. The Pantheon in Rome
10. Side View - Pantheon
11. The Dome
12. Video – St. Vincent de Paul Church, Albany, New York
13. Gothic Architecture A. What are the characteristics of Gothic Architecture ? A. What are the characteristics of Gothic Architecture ? 1. tall windows 1. tall windows 2. Byzantine or pointed arches 2. Byzantine or pointed arches 3. tall buildings 3. tall buildings 4. steep roofs 4. steep roofs 5. very ornate (decorated) 5. very ornate (decorated) 6. extensive use of stained glass 6. extensive use of stained glass 7. buttresses and flying buttresses 7. buttresses and flying buttresses
14. St. George’s Chapel at Windsor Castle - England
15. Gothic Style allowed for high walls, allowing larger windows, more light.
16. The Difference at a Glance
18. Flying Buttresses
19. Extensive Stained Glass
20. The Stained Glass at Opera Duomo Cathedral, Siena, Italy
21. Chartres Cathedral
23. The Doors of the Cathedral of Santa Maria del Fiore in Florence, Italy
24. Gothic Architecture in Siena, Italy
25. City Hall, Siena, Italy
26. Video of St. Vincent de Paul and Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception churches in Albany Albany, New York
27. Important Terms - Architecture A. Romanesque A. Romanesque B. Gothic B. Gothic C. Roman Arches C. Roman Arches D. buttresses D. buttresses E. flying buttresses E. flying buttresses F. nave F. nave G. apse G. apse H. radiating chapels H. radiating chapels