CNR – Institute of Atmospheric Pollution Research, Rome, Italy Global Mercury Observation System Task HE-02-C1 Nicola Pirrone Global Mercury Observation System Task HE-02-C1 Tracking Pollutants Nicola Pirrone GMOS Coordinator & GEO Task HE-02 Leader GEO-X and 2014 Ministerial Summit
CNR – Institute of Atmospheric Pollution Research, Rome, Italy GMOS Overarching Objectives To provide spatially and temporally distributed Hg speciated measurements aimed to understand the contribution of source regions vs. selected receptor areas with changing emission regime and meteorological conditions. To validate regional and global scale atmospheric mercury modelling systems able to predict the temporal variations and spatial distributions of ambient concentrations of atmospheric mercury, and Hg fluxes to and from terrestrial and aquatic receptors. To evaluate and identify source-receptor relationships at country scale and their temporal trends for current and projected scenarios of mercury emissions from anthropogenic and natural sources. To develop interoperable tools to allow the sharing of observations and models output data produced by GMOS, for the purposes of research and policy development and implementation as well as support the achievement of goals of the Societal Benefit Areas (SBA) established in GEOSS.
CNR – Institute of Atmospheric Pollution Research, Rome, Italy
CNR – Institute of Atmospheric Pollution Research, Rome, Italy Bilateral Cooperative Agreements U.S. NADP (in progress) Environment Canada (in progress) Ev-K2-CNR, Italy & Nepal SETAC (in progress) Global Change Research Centre AS CR CSIRO (in progress) Baltic Sea Research Institute (in progress) Institute of Environmental Engineering (in progress) NTNU, Norway Biodiversity Research Institute, USA National Institute for Environmental Studies, Japan NOAA (in progress) UBA, Germany (in progress) USEPA-ORD Seychelles Bureau of Standards University of Washington-Bothell Cape Grim Science Program and Macquarie University Taiwan EPA and National Central University ………more are adding up
CNR – Institute of Atmospheric Pollution Research, Rome, Italy The International Framework GEO Task HE-02 “Tracking Pollutants” - C1 “Global Mercury Observation System” UNEP Mercury Program – Global Partnership on Atmospheric Mercury Transport and Fate Research (UNEP F&T) Task Force on Hemispheric Transport of Air Pollutants (TF HTAP) under the UNECE-LRTAP international conventions. Regional programs
CNR – Institute of Atmospheric Pollution Research, Rome, Italy Key Aspects for GMOS & HE-02 Should provide spatial distribution of observations with regard to source regions Should be related to all major compartments Should provide Hg content in biotic and abiotic matrixes Should provide direct flux measurements to and from … Monitoring & analytical methods should be robust and highly reproducible All sites must use, to the extent possible, the same SOPs Should use a common QA/QC protocol/system Should allow data sharing and data real-time acquisition Robust data policy POSSIBLY and in the future should be based on low investment and running cost monitoring technologies ….
CNR – Institute of Atmospheric Pollution Research, Rome, Italy The Structure of GMOS The Ground-based observation system The Marine Observation System The Tropospheric Observation System + Marine biota Lichens and Mosses Human exposure
CNR – Institute of Atmospheric Pollution Research, Rome, Italy GMOS: ground-based monitoring network
CNR – Institute of Atmospheric Pollution Research, Rome, Italy GMOS: Oceanographic campaigns
CNR – Institute of Atmospheric Pollution Research, Rome, Italy
CNR – Institute of Atmospheric Pollution Research, Rome, Italy GMOS Database consistency for measurements of Mercury Species performed during Cruise Campaigns Research Vessel_Year_ Affiliation Atlantic Ocean Knorr1996_WHOI PorquoiPas2012Fall_IFREMER North Sea Belgica1996_VUB Baltic Sea Alexander von Humboldt1997_IVL Alexander von Humboldt1998_IVL Black Sea Endeavor2005_WHOI Indian Ocean Roger Revelle2007_VUB Mediterranean Sea Urania2000_CNRIIA Urania2003_CNRIIA Urania2003_JSI Urania2003_CHALMERS Urania2004Spring_CNRIIA Urania2004Spring_JSI Urania2004Spring_CHALMERS Urania2004Spring_IFREMER Urania2004Fall_CNRIIA Urania2004Fall_CNRIBF Urania2004Fall_JSI Urania2004Fall_CHALMERS Urania2004Fall_IFREMER Urania2005_CNRIIA Urania2005_JSI Urania2006_CNRIIA Urani2007_CNRIIA Urania2009_CNRIIA Urania2010_CNRIIA Urania2011_CNRIIA Urania2012_CNRIIA PorquoiPas2012Spring_IFREMER TGMGEMGOMPBMDGMHgTHgRMeHgDMeHg ATMOSPHEREWATER
CNR – Institute of Atmospheric Pollution Research, Rome, Italy GMOS Database consistency for Ancillary Data measured during Cruise Campaigns Research Vessel_Year_ Affiliation Atlantic Ocean Knorr1996_WHOI PorquoiPas2012Fall_IFREMER North Sea Belgica1996_VUB Baltic Sea Alexander von Humboldt1997_IVL Alexander von Humboldt1998_IVL Black Sea Endeavor2005_WHOI Indian Ocean Roger Revelle2007_VUB Mediterranean Sea Urania2000_CNRIIA Urania2003_CNRIIA Urania2003_JSI Urania2003_CHALMERS Urania2004Spring_CNRIIA Urania2004Spring_JSI Urania2004Spring_CHALMERS Urania2004Spring_IFREMER Urania2004Fall_CNRIIA Urania2004Fall_CNRIBF Urania2004Fall_JSI Urania2004Fall_CHALMERS Urania2004Fall_IFREMER Urania2005_CNRIIA Urania2005_JSI Urania2006_CNRIIA Urani2007_CNRIIA Urania2009_CNRIIA Urania2010_CNRIIA Urania2011_CNRIIA Urania2012_CNRIIA PorquoiPas2012Spring_IFREM ER O3O3 COWSWD Air T RHSalSWTCondFluoO2O2 ATMOSPHEREWATER
CNR – Institute of Atmospheric Pollution Research, Rome, Italy GMOS: troposperic & regional campaigns Mt. Etna Po valley Slovenia Waldhof
CNR – Institute of Atmospheric Pollution Research, Rome, Italy European Tropospheric Mercury Experiment Program (ETMEP)
CNR – Institute of Atmospheric Pollution Research, Rome, Italy
CNR – Institute of Atmospheric Pollution Research, Rome, Italy Global & Regional Scale Atmospheric Modeling
CNR – Institute of Atmospheric Pollution Research, Rome, Italy The GMOS-CI
CNR – Institute of Atmospheric Pollution Research, Rome, Italy GMOS SDI – Access point
CNR – Institute of Atmospheric Pollution Research, Rome, Italy e-logbookSOPs raw data dB QA/QC dB QA/QC GMOS QA/QC Management System
CNR – Institute of Atmospheric Pollution Research, Rome, Italy G-DQM Workflow
CNR – Institute of Atmospheric Pollution Research, Rome, Italy Log Book service How to help site operators to strictly follow the GMOS SOPs? How to take into account the maintenance period? How to help site operators to strictly follow the GMOS SOPs? How to take into account the maintenance period?
CNR – Institute of Atmospheric Pollution Research, Rome, Italy GEOSS – Addressing Policies and Conventions GMOS as demonstrator of GEOSS benefit supporting discussion and forthcoming implementation of international treaties (i.e. Minamata). GMOS discover resources in developing countries and address “clean” production Video
CNR – Institute of Atmospheric Pollution Research, Rome, Italy More about GMOS at... the official GMOS web portal provides all the information concerning the project development, capacity building, support to policy, and major findings, publications, and press releases Thanks…..