City of Hamilton - Public Works Capital Planning & Implementation Strategic Planning Social Behaviour and Acceptability Hamilton Transportation Master.


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Presentation transcript:

City of Hamilton - Public Works Capital Planning & Implementation Strategic Planning Social Behaviour and Acceptability Hamilton Transportation Master Plan Canadian TDM Summit 2008 Oct , 2008 Providing services that bring our City to life !

4 th largest City in Ontario (pop) 8 th largest City in Canada (pop) Population 498,268 Employment 192,400 Part of the Greater Toronto Hamilton Area 71.6% work in Hamilton 23.3% work in the GTA Where is Hamilton? Social Behaviour & Acceptability – HTMP City of Hamilton - Background

Developed policies and strategies over the next 30 years for: - Transit - Cycling & Walking - Goods Movement - Travel Demand Management (TDM) - Roads Intended to be a strategic plan and to provide overall direction for subsequent processes: - Secondary Plans - Official Plan - Special studies Ultimate transportation strategy involves aggressive transit expansion, road capacity optimization and Transportation Demand Management Targets 20% reduction in vehicle kilometres traveled and increasing the transit modal share to 15% Social Behaviour & Acceptability – HTMP Transportation Master Plan (TMP)

Social Behaviour & Acceptability – HTMP Status Quo vs. TMP scenario Road capacity deficiencies 2031 assuming current travel behaviour Road capacity deficiencies 2031 after improved transit and TDM

Social Behaviour & Acceptability – HTMP Modal Split Targets Existing SOV68%58%52% Transit5%9%12% Walking Cycling 6%10%15%

Cycling & Walking –Construct 126 km of new bike lanes –implement trail improvements identified in Trails Master Plan –Provide bike racks on buses –Expand multi-use path system –Focus on pedestrian improvements at transit nodes –Implement downtown streetscaping plan –Explore the potential for an incline railway Transit –Expand BRT (lite) system –Extend HSR (regular transit service) to outlying areas –Improve terminals –Increase GO Transit Service –Establish park & ride lots –Establish intermodal interchanges –Establish a new Via Rail Station Social Behaviour & Acceptability – HTMP Achieving the Goals of the TMP

Social Behaviour & Acceptability – HTMP Strategic Transit Initiatives

TDM –Aggressive programs to encourage transit, walking, cycling, carpooling, ride-sharing, telecommuting, emergency ride-home, etc. Goods Movement Initiatives –Protect for route from Airport Employment Lands/New Highway 6 to Red Hill Valley Parkway –Identify future connections to potential GTA-Niagara Corridor –Initiate Truck Routes Study –Support Port Authority in efforts to promote the H 2 0 Highway –Develop employment lands Strategic Road Improvements –Implement committed/planned road widenings to accommodate new communities –Upgrade/expand road links serving employment areas and growth areas –Continue to rebalance capacity in the downtown to improve pedestrian environment Social Behaviour & Acceptability – HTMP Achieving the Goals of the TMP (cont)

Social Behaviour & Acceptability – HTMP Strategic Road Improvements Waterdown Area South Mountain Area Stoney Creek Area Downtown Road Improvement Road Widening

Optimization of the transportation system Use of policies, programs, services and products to influence travel Programs/initiatives could include: –Promoting walking & cycling and providing infrastructure –Ride-sharing –Telecommuting/Work from Home –On-line trip planners for transit –Employee/School transit value programs –Electronic Tolling (by day, time and vehicle type) –Incorporation of TDM initiatives as part of development applications Social Behaviour & Acceptability – HTMP Transportation Demand Management

Social Behaviour & Acceptability – HTMP Smart Commute Metrolinx is an agency of the Government of Ontario Partnership between Metrolinx and the cities and regions of the Greater Toronto and Hamilton Area (GTHA) Municipalities form Transportation Management Associations (Smart Commute Hamilton), which include major employers that work together to provide sustainable transportation alternatives Helping to reduce traffic congestion and take action on climate change

Social Behaviour & Acceptability – HTMP Investments in Technology

Enhanced Passenger Experience –real time customer information systems with anticipated arrival times –next stop enunciation –digital security cameras –wireless internet on busses –PDA / cell phone info portals Effective Planning –software integration to link vehicle with scheduling and dispatch –automatic passenger counters Efficient Operations –wireless communications between vehicle and dispatch & office –AVL – GPS automated vehicle location and control –Mobile data terminals in-vehicle –signal pre-emption Social Behaviour & Acceptability – HTMP Components of Intelligent Transit Systems

HTMP included a bus rapid transit (BRT) with the potential to move to Light Rail Transit (LRT) in the long term MoveOntario 2020 funding makes LRT in the short term more feasible Rapid Transit Feasibility Study –provides a general opportunities and constraints analysis –public consultation component –Provides the background required to select both a mode of technology and priority corridors for the implementation of a Rapid Transit System –Phase 1 both BRT and LRT –Phase 2 focus on LRT Social Behaviour & Acceptability – HTMP Rapid Transit Initiative

HTMP included a bus rapid transit (BRT) with the potential to move to Light Rail Transit (LRT) in the long term MoveOntario 2020 funding makes LRT in the short term more feasible Rapid Transit Feasibility Study –provides a general opportunities and constraints analysis –public consultation component –Provides the background required to select both a mode of technology and priority corridors for the implementation of a Rapid Transit System –Phase 1 both BRT and LRT –Phase 2 focus on LRT Social Behaviour & Acceptability – HTMP Rapid Transit Initiative

Secure Bike Parking Facilities –1 st facility opened June 2008 –Sponsored by Smart Commute/Metrolinx Bike to Work Day and the City of Hamilton Commuter Challenge –Funded by Metrolinx Bikelinx Program Cycling Network –Update Switching Gears Master Plan (2008) –Open New Facilities Pedestrian Network –Expand multi-use path system –Improvements at transit nodes Social Behaviour & Acceptability – HTMP Cycling & Pedestrian Initiatives

Social Behaviour & Acceptability – HTMP Bike Racks on Buses

Traffic Signal System –critical to efficient movement of all surface modes in the City –complete signal retiming planned over next five years (reduce GHG and pollution by minimizing car idling at intersections) –system reliability (project underway to improve performance) –In the long-term the system must support initiatives such as rapid transit and emergency pre-emption Roundabouts –Beneficial to the environment and public safety –new roundabouts under construction or scheduled for Social Behaviour & Acceptability – HTMP Key Traffic Optimization Initiatives

Cross-Departmental –Capital Planning & Implementation –Traffic Engineering & Operations –Planning & Economic Development –Transit –Finance –Public Health –Community Services External –Employers –Individuals –Community groups –Provincial Government (i.e Metrolinx) –Federal Government Social Behaviour & Acceptability – HTMP Collaboration and Partnerships

Walking, Walking Groups and resources –My turn My time My plan – Active and Safe Routes to School – Walkability/Safe Environment –Participation –Partnership Social Behaviour & Acceptability – HTMP Public Health Initiatives

Public Works Strategic Plan Innovation Now Ridership Growth Plan HSR Asset Management and Growth Management Plan Planning Policies –GRIDS (Growth Related Integrated Development Strategy) –Official Plan update –Policy Development –Secondary Planning –Future Growth Areas –Zoning By-law Reform Social Behaviour & Acceptability – HTMP Key Supporting Initiatives

Vision 2020 & Clean Air Hamilton Mobile Monitoring studies Commuter Challenge Upwind Downwind Conference Anti-idling Campaign Social Behaviour & Acceptability – HTMP Key Supporting Initiatives - cont

Places to Grow –increased emphasis on transit supportive land uses, complete communities and people & goods movement Provincial Policy Statement –policies relating to transportation systems, transportation corridors and infrastructure as well as economic development MoveOntario 2020 –Funding dedicated to new or improved rapid transit for the GTHA –Administered by Metrolinx Regional Transportation Plan (Metrolinx) –a comprehensive blue print for an effective, convenient, and seamless transportation system –strategic long term vision for a co-ordinated and improved transportation across the GTHA and guidelines for infrastructure investment decisions and land use planning around these systems Social Behaviour & Acceptability – HTMP Provincial Directions

Opportunity for continued collaboration Members of Council Staff from across the Corporation who deal with Transportation issues and impacts Community Groups Other Municipalities and levels of Government Opportunity to expand on previously held workshops Pedestrian Workshop (November 2006) Transit Workshop (September 2007) Transportation Summit (April 2008, 2009) New Project Manager staff approved (2008) Transportation Master Plan Implementation Transportation Demand Management Rapid Transit Office opportunities Preparing for Metrolinx announcements Social Behaviour & Acceptability – HTMP Building on Initiatives

Thank you! For additional information, contact: Alan Kirkpatrick Project Manager – Transportation Demand Management extension 4173