Operations 105, Class 4 Architectural Process
Guest Lecturer John was raised in Memphis, Tennessee, but gladly claims to be a Volunteer Texan! John received his BARCH at the University of Arkansas at the Fay Jones School of Architecture, and subsequently worked for Mr. Jones. After his early career in Arkansas where he worked with his present partner, Bob, John moved to Austin for graduate education in the Charles Moore program at UT. He taught at Texas A & M for a period, and then founded the Austin firm Jackson Architecture 20 years ago, which soon became Jackson Galloway Associates. John enjoys art and many outdoor activities, but most of all he takes pride in designing places and things of beauty…especially in Austin.
Class 4—Architectural Process Last time we talked about How To Be a Great Client, the stakeholders and the participatory process that creates a design, and touched on the Process of Hiring the Architect. Today we build on that foundation and review the overall process of services that an architect is typically responsible for. The goal is to give you a context for words like “programming,” “design development,” and “contract documents.” We will look at some examples of the phases of services.
The Typical Architectural Process Programming (Basic Services) Master Planning (Special Services) Schematic Design15% Design Development20% Construction Documents40% Bidding and Negotiation5% Construction Administration20% Total Effort100%
The Typical Architectural Process Programming - (1 to 4 weeks) “Problem Seeking” Given your unique “DNA” define the “problem.” (Reference Kick-Off Meeting Questions) (Reference pg. 10 of JGA brochure for Collaboration) Project future growth from current patterns. (Reference Attendance Data and Projections)
The Typical Architectural Process Programming continued…. List the functional needs Ministry Space (Reference Square Footage Program) Site Space Ball fields, Outdoor baptistry, Prayer Gardens, etc.
The Typical Architectural Process Programming continued…. List the functional needs…. Off-Site Space Occasionally, the church is in need of “off site” solutions to their spatial problems, or even site problems. Stories…
The Typical Architectural Process Programming continued…. Define the Attributes of the Space (Reference Kick-off Meeting Questions)
The Typical Architectural Process Programming continued…. Explore Concepts for Solving the Problem
The Typical Architectural Process Programming continued…. Explore Concepts for Solving the Problem
The Typical Architectural Process Master Planning ( 4 to 8 weeks)* Initial interface with the city/county (Reference Development Flow) * Depends on complexity of governmental process and could take months
The Typical Architectural Process Master Planning Site Concepts responding to the program See Diagram Conceptual Master Plan
The Typical Architectural Process Master Planning See Diagram Master Plan Aerial
The Typical Architectural Process Master Planning See Diagram Master Plan Phase 1
The Typical Architectural Process Master Planning See Diagram Conceptual Master Plan 2
The Typical Architectural Process Master Planning See Diagram Master Plan Phase 2
The Typical Architectural Process Master Planning See Diagram Master Plan Final
The Typical Architectural Process Schematic Design (4 to 8 weeks) Size spaces to scale - “Floor Plans” Size vertical space to scale - “Elevations” Size outdoor needs - “Site Plan” Express materials/space - “3 Dimensionally” Perspective Presentations (Refer to Greater Mount Zion Power Point) Fly Through Presentations (Additional Service) (Refer to Greater Mount Zion Fly Through movie)
The Typical Architectural Process Design Development (6 to 10 weeks) Design of Systems to compliment Schematic Civil Engineer Site related water - Storm, Sewage, Domestic Parking, Landscape design MEP Eng. - Mechanical, Electrical, Plumbing Restrooms Kitchens (Kitchen Consultant possibly) HVAC Structural Engineer Foundation, Columns, Beams
The Typical Architectural Process Bidding and Negotiating (4 to 6 weeks) Project Delivery Methods: Refer to Workman Commercial’s Construction Delivery Methods for Churches Traditional Design - Bid - Build Design - Build Construction Manager at Risk
The Typical Architectural Process Construction Documentation (8 to 12 weeks) Depends on the scope of work defined by the DD process Construction Drawings and Specifications
The Typical Architectural Process Construction Administration 6 to 14 months Depends on the scope of work defined by the CD process.
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