Acquiring Chinese E-Books: Where to Start and How to Get Here-- University of Pittsburgh Library System's Experience Hong Xu March 24, 2007
Where to start Talking with the senior administrator Talking with e-book producers Having trials Evaluating e-books
Decision-making in purchasing Chinese e-books Perpetual access vs. subscription Quantity to purchase Database hosting MARC records requirements Whether or not loading the records to OCLC
The minimal level MARC records we required include the following fields: 001, 005,006, 007, 008, 020, 040 1xx (or 7xx if no 1xx) 245 250 (if needed) 260 300 (if needed) 533 (if needed) 856
Problems in sample MARC records Both e-book producers use CN-MARC as the base and automatically convert them into MARC21. Problems in understanding MARC21, particularly CJK records in MARC21. Problems in converting some fields Examples:
Team work Communicating with relevant senior administrators and with EAL librarians Coordinating with other two departments at the ULS: Information System: install reader software, test interface, load records Cataloging Management: review records; follow ULS and OCLC rules/policies Communicating with e-book producers
Where we are and what we’ve learnt so far-- Contracts have been signed/to be signed soon. We are on the third run of testing sample records. Timely communication ensures things are moving on smoothly. Team work is essential. It is important for the e-book producers to be consistent with the contact personnel and the test records during the data trial period. Documentation is important Quality control is a big on-going issue.