Angiographic Features of Atherosclerotic Superficial Femoral Artery Disease in Diabetics and Non-diabetics Presenting with Claudication Atif Mohammad, MD Research Fellow VA North Texas Health Care System UT Southwestern Medical Center Dallas,TX On behalf of the investigators:
INVESTIGATORS Atif Mohammad, MD *† Avantika Banerjee * Omar Hadidi, MD † Gene Pershwitz, MD * Mirza Baig, MD *† Emmanouil S. Brilakis, MD, PhD *† * VA North Texas Health Care System, Dallas, TX; † University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, TX; Acknowledgements: Dallas VA Research Corporation
BACKGROUND & METHOD Though clinical outcomes following percutaneous revascularization of superficial femoral artery (SFA) varies between diabetics (DM) and non-diabetics, angiographic differences of their SFA disease has never been systemically analyzed We conducted blinded angiographic analysis of peripheral angiograms in 117 consecutive patients (79 DM and 38 non-DM) between January January 2011, presenting to Veterans Affairs Haelth Care System (Veterans Integrated Service Network or VISN 17) with Rutherford category 3 claudication
RESULTS: Mean Bollinger Scores p=0.03 Non-DM DM
RESULTS: SFA: superficial femoral artery
RESULTS: Angiographic Distribution of SFA in Diabetics & Non-Diabetics n=78 n=39 SFA: superficial femoral artery
RESULTS: Lesion Flow & Stenosis Characteristics in Diabetics & Non-Diabetics
RESULTS: Lesion Characteristics & Revascularization in Diabetics & Non-Diabetics
RESULTS: Procedural Complications & Outcomes in Diabetics & Non-Diabetics
CONCLUSIONS: These results indicate the greater severity of SFA disease in patients with diabetes mellitus, increased need for stenting & lower 12 month patency Our findings also indicate to the need for dedicated strategies for improving outcomes in diabetics with peripheral arterial disease undergoing endovascular revascularization procedures for life- style limiting claudication SFA: superficial femoral artery