CW #40: CST/STAR Testing Review (Part 2) 1. English Bill of Rights- The first ten amendments to the U.S Constitution, which protect basic rights and freedoms (P. 187) 2. Constitutional Monarchy- King’s power is limited by law (P.159) 3. Enlightenment- 18 th Century European movement in which thinkers attempted to apply the principals of reason and the scientific method to all aspects of society (P.171)
4. John Locke- Fled from England and published An Essay Concerning Human Understanding (1690), which describes how the human mind works (P. 171) 5. Natural Rights- Rights that all people are born with (P. 171) 6. Thomas Hobbes- English belief that people are selfish and ambitious by nature (P. 171) 7. Montesquieu- French philosopher who is known for the separation of powers (P. 173) 8. Rousseau- Individual Freedom: Civilization corrupted people natural goodness (P. 173)
9. Simon Bolivar-a wealthy Venezuelan Creole declared independence from Spain in 1811 p Separation of Powers: assignment of executive, legislative, & judicial powers to different groups of officials in a government p Legislative Branch: a French congress w/ the power to create laws and provide declarations of war, established by constitution in 1719 p. 198
12. Executive branch: The branch of government that carries out the laws. p Judicial branch: The branch of government that enforces the laws, in other words… Supreme Court. p American revolution: American struggle for independence from Britain p.24 15: Declaration of Independence: statement of the reasons for the American colonies’ break w/ Britain. P Thomas Jefferson: He wrote the Declaration of Independence. P. 184
17. Constitution- an instruction manual that states how the U.S. government is ran 18. Bill of Rights – the first ten amendments to the us constitution, which protects citizens basic rights and freedoms pg First, Second, Third estate- the three social classes in France before the revolution pg Rights of Man- the reflecting of the influence of enlightenment ideas of the declaration of independence pg Robespierre- a powerful dictator pg 202
22. Reign of Terror – the period when Robespierre dictated Paris Pg Napoleon – a lieutenant in the artillery Pg The Napoleon Code – napoleons set of laws Pg Coup d’etat – when you suddenly gain all power Pg 205
Essential Questions: 1.Define separation of powers. Who developed this idea? (Ch 6, S 2) Division of power among different branches. Montesquieu developed this idea. (Pg. 187) 2.What did John Locke’s philosophy say? (Ch 6, S2) People can learn from an experience and improve themselves. (Pg. 159) 3.What does the legislative branch do? What does the executive branch do? What does the judicial branch do? (Ch 6, S2) The legislative branch has the power to create laws and declare war. The judicial branch is the Supreme Court.
4.Which country created the first republic since the days of the ancient Romans? (Ch 6, S4) The country of England created the first republic since the days of the ancient Romans. 5. Describe two rights that the American Bill of Rights protects. (Ch 6, S4) Freedom of Speech and freedom of the press. (Pg. 187) 6.List 2 reasons why the third estate begins to rebel in 1789 in France. (Ch 7, S1) The third estate begins to rebel in 1789 because there was a lot of human poverty, food poverty, and their human rights were non existent.
7.List 2 rights guaranteed by the Declaration of the Rights of Man. (Ch 7, S2) Two rights guaranteed by the Declaration of the Rights of Man are that “ Men are born and remain free abd equal in rights” and that thus are privileged to certain rights. (Pg. 197) 8. Describe the Reign of Terror. Who ruled during this time? What was the purpose? (Ch 7, S2) The Reign of terror was the period from July 1793 to July This is when Robespierre became leader of France. (Pg. 202) 9. List 2 reasons why Napoleon was able to perform his coup d’état. The Dictatorship had lost control and confidence over the French people, and control over the political environment. (Pg. 205)