DoD Donor Center (1991) DoD Cord Blood Bank (2010) Tissue Typing Lab (1991) Research Lab(1991)
U.S. National Registry (National Marrow Donor Program / Be the Match Registry) 80 Donor Centers Number of donors (8 million) NMDP (11 million ) World (620,000) DoD Stem Cell Donations NMDP 3,890/4,860 DoD = 14%
How You Have Helped Us Achieve Our Goals Recruitment Drives Confirmatory Typing (CT) Work Up (WU) Physical Exam (PE) Blood Draws
DoD’s Old Kits for Blood Draw
DoD’s New Kit for Blood Draw
Instructions for IDM Kit Box #1 Donor Name:______________________ Donor Id Number:___________________ Appointment Date:________ Time:____ Donor Center POC: _________________ Phone Number: ext: ____ Contents: 2 no anti-coagulant “Red top” tubes 1 EDTA “Purple top” tube LABS, Inc. Requisition Form 1. Upon Receiving this kit, place three enclosed gel packs into the freezer (do not use sub-zero freezer.” 2. Ensure donor id number on the tubes is consistent with the ID number provided on the top of this form 3. Draw all tubes and fill to at least ¾ full 4. Complete Date and Time on all tubes and LABS, Inc. requisition form. 5. Spin down “Red top” tubes 6. Place all tubes into absorbent pouch. 7. Place absorbent pouch inside the bubble pouch and seal. 8. Place bubble pouch inside the 95kPa specimen transport bag and seal. 9. Place the 95kPa pouch inside the box and place one frozen gel pack on each side of the pouch (total of two (2) get packs) 10. Place the insulated top panel on the box. 11. Close and seal the plastic bag 12. Ensure that date and time information is completed on the Labs, Inc. requisition form and return to the box on top of the plastic bag. 13. Close and seal the out box with the tape provided 14. Ensure the FedEx documents are on the outside of the box. 15. Refrigerate the box until shipment. 16. Call the Donor Center POC if FedEx does not arrive to put up this kit within one hour of your closing time.
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