Welcome Seniors
Overview State and District Requirement Great experience to explore something new. Get excited about it. Choose something you are genuinely interested in! My role: Oversee project as a whole, communicate with advisors, create documents, troubleshoot, be a resource for staff and students.
Basic Requirements 60 hours of work (10 with field advisor) Must include new learning and research Must have end result be tangible product/performance Field Advisor Research Paper Portfolio Presentation
Choosing a Topic Choose something you are interested in. Make sure topic is complex enough to take 60 hours worth of work. No job shadows Who can be a field advisor for your topic? What will your final product be? Create a guiding/controlling question. Guiding Question states what you want to learn and what your final product will be.
Sample Topics and Guiding Questions Topic: Children’s Books Guiding Question: What skills do I need to learn in order to write a children’s book for early readers? Topic: Woodworking Guiding Question: What are the basics of woodworking that I need to master in order to build a coffee table for my living room?
Field Advisor Must agree to help with project and understand guiding question. Must be over 21 years old, not a relative or student, and have expertise in field of research. Parents and field advisor must sign off on forms. Forms are on the school website.
Work Required Log all hours and expenditures Status Checks throughout the year (approximately one per month) Must be up to date or you will be assigned to Wednesday afternoon CP lab to get caught up. Research Requirements: 10 sources including an interview Annotated Bibliography
Work Continued Research Paper: You will write an eight to ten page research-based paper. It will include internal citations and focus on the who, what, where, when, why and how’s of your project. Portfolio Presentation All work will be turned in to your advisory teacher via . Progress will be tracked through webgrader.
Documents A complete CP calendar is currently on the school website. Print it out and save it. Agreement forms, a project overview, and a work log/budget chart are also online. More documents will be added as we progress through the school year.
First Steps Choose a topic and create a guiding/controlling question. Due on September 19 th. Find a Field Advisor and get forms signed. Due on September 29 th. Begin to find research materials and set time to meet with FA. Log all hours and have 10 completed by first status check on November 3 rd.
Questions??? Please ask your advisory teacher all questions before coming to me. I cannot be everyone’s advisor. I am available before and after school most days. Set an appointment if you have a question you cannot get resolved. Check the school website for information and updated documents. Be positive! Have fun with the project!