International Centre for Entrepreneurship and Career Development ICECD
The first and only institution in the world To create over a million WOMEN ENTREPRENEURS In 4000 villages of Gujarat, 18 states of India & 55 countries of the World Recognized by United Nations as Centre of excellenceICECD
ICECD has been impacting the society by creating Entrepreneurs through Small Enterprise Development A MEASURABLE IMPACT ( ) Employment Generation: 5 Million persons Reach out: 1 Million Women Investment Created: 30,000 million
Even today, there are many voiceless,dependant, poverty stricken, disabled and suffering Women. They live without hope. Without a way out of despair. Without a way out of despair.
We dream to see every Woman living with Dignity Self Respect and Self Respect andFreedom As an Entrepreneur And are Equal Partners in Development of our Country. Where they are no more subservient
To celebrate 25 years of leading 1 Million Rural, Urban, Tribal, Disabled, Poor, Illiterate Women towards Self Reliance through Entrepreneurship To celebrate 25 years of leading 1 Million Rural, Urban, Tribal, Disabled, Poor, Illiterate Women towards Self Reliance through Entrepreneurship Invites you to…
December 18, 2011 Because every step counts
Join us! Your contribution can make a world of difference. Be our Supporter: Main Supporter Gold Supporter – Silver Supporter – Bronze Supporter Lets wipe those tears together.
Event shall be named ''ICECD Walkathon to Self Reliance" headed by the Brand Name. Exclusive Branding on Stage as presenter Exclusive Branding on Main Gate of both venues Exclusive Branding on the Signage Hoarding put all around the city before the event Branding on over 20,000 invitations for the Walkathon Ads on Cable TV, Newspapers, Radio Channels Two months of extensive social media marketing on Facebook Inclusion of any written material/gift/merchandise in registration kits given to all participants Authorised Personnel shall join the Core Walkathon team which would include all dignitaries, ICECD Leaders and the Chief Guest Exclusive branding on all 1000 hand-banners given to participants Exclusive branding on 10 main Banners carried during the Walkathon The Lucky Draw Winners would be Awarded by the Authorized personnel from the Company 50 free registration IDs for participants from the Company Announcement as Main Sponsor every time during the Event Exclusive Branding on Caps/Sash given to each participant Exclusive Branding on Registration Forms Branding in our Quarterly Newsletters published and distributed among 1,00,000 persons in55 countries MAIN SUPPORTER1 No.INR 11 Lakhs All designs shall be provided by the Supporter The Supporter can avail the 80G benefit on all contributions All payments shall be made in the name of ICECD
Branding as Gold Partner for the Event Branding on stage As Gold Partner with Logo Branding on Main Gate As Gold Partner with Logo Logo on the Signage Hoarding put all around the city before the event Logo on over 20,000 invitations for the Walkathon Logo in ads in Newspapers Two months of extensive social media marketing on Facebook Inclusion of any written material/gift/merchandise in registration kits given to all participants Authorised Personnel shall join the Core Walkathon team which would include all dignitaries, ICECD Leaders and the Chief Guest Logo on all 1000 hand-banners given to participants Logo on 10 main Banners carried during the Walkathon 25 free registration IDs for participants from the Company Logo Branding on Registration Forms GOLD SUPPORTER 1 No. INR 5 Lakhs All designs shall be provided by the Supporter The Supporter can avail the 80G benefit on all contributions All payments shall be made in the name of ICECD
Branding on stage As Silver Partner with Logo Branding on Main Gate As Silver Partner with Logo Logo on the Signage Hoarding put all around the city before the event Logo on over 20,000 invitations for the Walkathon Logo in ads in Newspapers Inclusion of any written material/gift/merchandise in registration kits given to all participants 10 free registration IDs for participants from the Company Logo Branding on Registration Forms SILVER SUPPORTER 2 No. INR 3 Lakhs Branding on stage As Bronze Partner with Logo Branding on Main Gate As Bronze Partner with Logo Logo on over 20,000 invitations for the Walkathon Logo in ads in Newspapers 5 free registration IDs for participants from the Company Logo Branding on Registration Forms BRONZE SUPPORTER 5 No. INR 1 Lakhs All designs shall be provided by the Supporter The Supporter can avail the 80G benefit on all contributions All payments shall be made in the name of ICECD
We would also like to reward the selfless supporters and the spirited women entrepreneurs who shall walk proudly with us. All registered participants shall have the chance to win prizes at the end of the event. You may also Sponsor one or more of the prizes. They shall be: 1 Main Prize 2 Gold Prizes 3 Silver Prizes 4 Bronze Prizes Lucky Supporter Programme All designs shall be provided by the Supporter The Supporter can avail the 80G benefit on all contributions All payments shall be made in the name of ICECD
Walk with us. Because every step counts