-ck and k
ck We use ck if the letter before the ‘ck’ sound is a vowel. a e i o u
ck s o _ _ sock I lost my sock.
ck r o - - rock In the garden there was a rock.
ck ba - - back Go to the back of the line!.
ck s a - - sack Put the letter in the sack.
ck bla - - black The cat was black.
ck stu - - stuck Please help me. I am stuck!
Using k We end words in just k if there is a consonant before the k sound.
k shar - shark The shark swam fast.
k bar – bark “Bark!” went the dog.
k ban – bank I need some cash from the bank.
k blan - blank The gun shot a blank.
k spar - spark A fire was lit from a spark.
k We also use k after a long vowel phoneme.
k Croa - croak The toad went “Croak!”
k spea_ speak Always think before you speak.
k pee - peek Let’s take a peek.
To use L.S.C.Wr.Ch bank blank spark croak peek sock sack black slack truck