MARYLAND STATE DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION DIVISION OF SPECIAL EDUCATION/EARLY INTERVENTION SERVICES State Personnel Development Grant April 23-24, 2014 Local School System (LSS) Implementation Team Meeting (SPDG) Day 1
S S it and organize materials. Take a seat in your LSS Team and greet your colleagues. E E xamine and follow the directions: Review contents in your Team Folder. Complete the following forms: Team Meeting Roles Team Information Sheet Read and reflect on today’s Challenge Question. T T ake the Challenge! How can the LSS Implementation Team best prepare the BUZzzz Implementation Team to complete installation tasks at the school level ? READY TO LEARN TIME DATE: 4/23/24
Using Implementation Science to Narrow the Gap Implementation Stages
Exploration Stage Assessing the needs of students Identifying possible programs and practices to meet those needs Assessing the fit and feasibility of implementing and sustaining the identified programs
Installation Stage Developing communication pathways Ensuring financial and human resources are in place Finding physical space Purchasing equipment and technology Developing practitioner competency
Initial Implementation Stage Special attention to coaching Attention to continuous improvement and rapid cycle problem solving Using decision support data systems (DSDS)
Full Implementation Stage Teachers skillfully employing new practices An infrastructure to support teachers Integrating new learning at all levels in classroom building and district
MD College and Career-Ready Standards in Mathematics SPDG Goals Increase use of data-informed decision making & implementation science Increase family engagement Increase math achievement among students with disabilities SPDG Goals Increase use of data-informed decision making & implementation science Increase family engagement Increase math achievement among students with disabilities
Useable Strategies (Year 1) Structured Cooperative Learning Team-Based Cycle of Instruction Challenge Question Linked to MD CCRS in Mathematics Formative Assessment (Daily) TAP-IT Action Protocol Structured Cooperative Learning Team-Based Cycle of Instruction Challenge Question Linked to MD CCRS in Mathematics Formative Assessment (Daily) TAP-IT Action Protocol
Daily Challenge Question
How are multiplying whole numbers and multiplying fractions the same and/or different?
LEARNING TOGETHER Partners with Schools LSS Teams
LEARNING TOGETHER Challenge Question How can the LSS Implementation Team best prepare the BUZzzz Implementation Team to complete installation tasks at the school level ? Team Activity Goal Prepare the Operations Manual and learn about the Useable Strategies. Directions for LSS Teams 1.Organize and customize the Operations Manual for each school by: -Produce a binder cover tailored to each SPDG school -Insert resources in the appropriate section 2. Review and learn about the Useable Strategies for tomorrow’s rehearsal.
Reflect on information presented today to identify any clarifying questions. Load flash drive with resources from MLL.
ASSESSMENT _________________________________________ _________________________________________ _________________________________________ _________________________________________ _________________________________________ _________________________________________ _________________________________________ _________________________________________ Name: Date: Answer the Challenge Question: Day 1 How can the LSS Implementation Team best prepare the BUZzzz Implementation Team to complete installation tasks at the school level ?
READY TO EXIT TIME W W rite-down questions, needs, or comments on cards. R R eturn team folders to Jill. A A ssess how well you worked in a group or individually: Did I/we maintain operating standards? Did I/we work toward learning goals? Did I/we complete tasks? Select H-O-T Rating: High Performing/On Track/Target Improvement P P repare to adjourn. DATE: 4/23/24