Educator Preparation Institutes
Institutional Credit designation has been provided for modules and segments. EPI Information has been put into SCNS. Modules (courses) will be included on transcripts (EPI 0xxx) and will be transportable between participating community colleges.
EPI Performance Accountability Information on students enrolling in EPIs to be included as part of standard submissions of the Student Data Base (SDB) Information to include demographics, courses, program of study, and completions Elements necessary to calculate accountability measures to be part of the SDB and/or the FETPIP follow-up process Possible additional follow-up surveys conducted by DCCWE and individual institutions.
Requirements for Continued Approval Annual Performance Evaluations that measure program effectiveness in the following areas: –Pass rates on teacher certification exams –Employment rates –Longitudinal retention rates –Employer satisfaction surveys
Volunteers Needed DCCWE is forming a writing team to develop a standardized employer satisfaction survey. Please volunteer if interested
EPI Performance Accountability Contacts Institutional Report Coordinators Department of Education Pat Windham Community College MIS Staff Howard Campbell