Congregational Vitality team approach REIZATION VISION Eagerly following a compelling, prayerfully- discerned vision from God INSPIRATIONAL and INCARNATIONAL Inspirational worship that connects people with God through Jesus Christ. Incarnational outreach to new people through strategic evangelistic and discipleship approach TRANSFORMATIONAL Members and the surrounding communities can give testimonies to the life- transforming witness and ministries of the local congregation ADAPTIVE Ability to adapt to the changes in the parish and seeing change as opportunity for ministry LOVING Gladly sharing the love of Jesus Christ through missions, ministries, and as a community of love and forgiveness Western North Carolina Conference United Methodist Church Congregational Vitality Team MeetingSeptember 25,
Today O BJECTIVES Agree on our team’s purpose and how we achieve those means Organize for upcoming year’s work Nominate team leads Agree frequency/type/format of meetings Level-set on our current funding state of play Agree on how we interact with new districts Decide how to approach lists from AC Next meeting dates 2
Proposed team purpose, means 300 declared vital churches in next three years How? Allocating funding for districts Organizing district training Promoting/communicating best practices, successes, recommended curricula Setting scorecard metrics and high-level aggregation of vital church counts Continuous learning, research for our team Proposal: what we won’t intend to do… Accountable for new church starts (Congregational Development) Charting detailed progress for, assessing local churches (Districts) Train local churches (Districts, DSes) Select curricula for Districts (District responsibility) 300,000 members 30,000 new in worship 3,000 mission teams 300 revitalized churches 30 new faith communities 3
Allocating, approving funding for districts Organizing district training Promoting/communicating best practices, successes, recommended curricula Setting scorecard metrics and high-level aggregation of vital church counts Continuous learning, research for our team FINANCE TRAINING COMMUNICATIONS/MEASUREMENT CONTINUOUS LEARNING/RESEARCH ADMINISTRATIVE What we do…How we organize… Proposed team organization – five pillars 4
Pillar #1: Finance P ROPOSED FUNCTIONS - FINANCE Accountability for current CV team finances Design of funding process, how to process funding requests Liaison to Conference office for Cost Center Spending Communications with Districts/DSes on funding, Tracking for accountability for funding provided by CV team: what is return on funding 2014 CV budget process Report-out on current finances at each CV team meeting 5
Pillar #2: Training P ROPOSED FUNCTIONS - T RAINING How we organize training for districts – options, resources, toolkits Assessment of different training tools, bringing forward new training options, techniques, resources Communications to Districts on training Charting progress of District training activities – especially those funded by CV team Report-out on current training activities, plans, intentions at each CV team meeting 6
Pillar #3: Communications/Measurement P ROPOSED FUNCTIONS – C OMMUNICATIONS /M EASUREMENT Measurement Steps on how we get to 300 church goal Revitalization progress reports Scorecard oversight: how we get Districts to use them, charting progress, aggregating scorecard results from Districts Recognition of churches Communications Means of communication to Districts, Cabinet Website Annual Conference communication Booths Printed materials Other Denman Awards Cross-pollination of best practices Coordination of District communications, updates Report-out on current measurement, training activities, plans, intentions at each CV team meeting 7
Pillar #4: Continuous learning/ research P ROPOSED FUNCTIONS – C ONTINUOUS L EARNING /R ESEARCH Recommendation of new outside reading for team Review of current best practices, communications to team Introduction of guest speakers, resources for team How we aggregate Conference data and disseminate Spotlight churches, in WNC or elsewhere: what’s working and why Introduction of research information to CV team 8
Pillar #5: Administrative P ROPOSED FUNCTIONS – A DMINISTRATIVE Logistics for team meetings (location, food, times, etc.) Recording meeting notes and distributing to team Recap of previous meeting at CV team meetings Other administrative items 9
CV decisions today Role of team: what is our mission Who leads what on our team How we interact with Districts Next steps from AC Funding requests? Next meeting times/frequency 10