G11 Careers Project Writing an Effective CV
Contact Details: Name Address Telephone (Home and mobile) address Web site address (If you have)
Career Objective: It is a short statement that tells the employer the kind of work you are looking for and how your skills and experience can add value in the growth of the organization. Ex: To seek an entry level position in an IT firm where my skills and qualification could be used in the development of the firm.
Education details: Your most recent educational details are listed first. Include the title of your certificate / year of graduation Also list the name of the Educational institution You may also list the major/ special area of study
Volunteer Experience Next is your Volunteer Experience. Start with IAT-RAK, UAE, Make a list of Volunteer Experience you had as part of your Community Outreach program, FAZAA and SANAD. Describe your job responsibilities in action verbs in the past simple.
Work Experience If you have any Work Experience, add it after that. Make a list of your work experience with the job title name of the organization, location of work and date. Give a brief description of your job using action verbs.
Skills After that are your skills divided into: Applied Engineering skills IT skills. Make a list of skills that you have learnt from your cluster specialization as well as IT skills you are familiar with.
Applied Engineering Skills Calculate speed, distance, velocity and acceleration. Measuring the distance and the displacment. Work on in-lab practicals. Combine formulas to solve problems. Combine different elements to find new ones. Conduct chemical experiments. Measure and work in lab and use materials or substance to find a solution. Make new compounds. Find new elements. Engineering Science Skills
Applied Engineering Skills (contd) Measure the polarity of water. Make circuits using different materials. Use LED to save energy. Measure voltages. building and programming robots from Lego kits create smart house plans. Explore and invent ways to save energy. Connect wires in electrical circuits. apply vectors and use them in real life. use chemical terms graph experiments results solve higher order thinking questions Work on in-lab practicals. Combine formulas to solve problems. use electronic waves
ICT Skills Information Comuunication Technology Skills. Use photo editing software to enhance photo quality. Create images, logos and banners by using Adobe PhotoShop. Create publications with Adobe InDesign Create PodCasts using Design and develop websites with Adobe DreamWeaver and NotePad Edit and Create CSS style sheets. Maintaing and manage websites. Create programmes using Visual Basic Code the programmes
Languages: List the languages that you know, along with your level of proficiency.
Other Skills: It may be useful to provide a summary of your other skills, such as photography, painting, etc.
Awards: List awards, honors, and academic distinctions in reverse chronological order. Include a short description.
Interests: Then you may list your interests. Example: Reading Travelling
References: Finally, list the names, addresses, and contact information of two references under whom you have worked or your supervisor’s, your teachers. Make sure you ask your references before using their contact information. Example: Yasmeen Shakoor, English Teacher Institute of Applied Technology, Ras-Al-Khaimah. P.O.Box 3372 Phone: [Phone #]