NOTES- any slide with a green title should be written down in your notebook.
Lesson #11- Number Sense 1.2 and 1.3
Integers (15 mins) Integers- same signs add and keep. Different signs subtract, and keep the sign of the higher number = = 2
fractions Fractions- (adding/ subtracting) if the denominators are the same add/ subtract numerators and keep the denominators. ¼ + ¾ = 4/4= 1 ¾-¼ = 2/4= 1/2
fractions Fractions- (multiplying/ dividing) multiply numerators, then denominators and reduce. To divide, reciprocal of second fraction and multiply. ¼ x ¾ = 3/ 16 ¼÷¾ = ¼ x 4/3= 4/12= 1/3
decimals Decimals- add/ subtract (line up the decimals). Multiply/ divide (line up the digits) x
Fractions to decimals to percents
Bootcamp Practice (15 mins) Pages 23 and 26 you may NOT write on.
Bootcamp Practice Raise your hand if you need any help Ask questions NOW, the Cahsee will be too late ! *Teacher will determine grouping (independent, pairs, etc.)
Lesson #12- Number Sense 2.1 and 2.3
Exponents- 8 mins
Bootcamp Practice (15 mins) Pages 34 and 42 you may NOT write on.
Bootcamp Practice Raise your hand if you need any help Ask questions NOW, the Cahsee will be too late ! *Teacher will determine grouping (independent, pairs, etc.)
Exit Slip: (7 mins) Get your assigned computer/ close notebook Log-on/ Use the test key from the CAHSEE BOOTCAMP file cabinet under Mrs. Kelley’s page Exit Slip Name- CB Math Week 6 Exit Slip (4 questions)
Time to Switch (1 minute stretch break before we start the next subject)
Reminders: (1 min) Sign-out (computer tracker) Last Bootcamp Session NEXT WEEK, celebration (lunch- ends at 11am) Review packets online- Mrs. Kelley’s webpage 6 school days till the CAHSEE! Study over your notes nightly Room must be left spotless (no trash, I will check your desk before dismissal)