YOU GOTTA MOVE IT Or youre gonna lose it.
Now... What do you know? You know that our area has the highest obesity rate in the nation. You know that were #1 in heart disease, diabetes, and other obesity-related health problems.
You know the right foods to eat and the right things to do... So, theres just one question that we might ask about this situation...
How did we get in this shape? We spend a lot of time watching other people do stuff. We spend a lot of time watching other people do stuff. We push the buttons on video games and watch the characters do stuff We push the buttons on video games and watch the characters do stuff We turn into couch potatoes. We turn into couch potatoes.
But theres nothing to do! Yes, there are some things about our area that tend to keep us in the house. Yes, there are some things about our area that tend to keep us in the house. Small communities often dont provide activities for kids. Small communities often dont provide activities for kids. You may live in a rural area several miles away from other kids your age. You may live in a rural area several miles away from other kids your age. You may have a long bus ride home from school. You may have a long bus ride home from school.
So... Do we just sit back and veg out? NO WAY !
GET UP AND MOVE! Make the decision to be strong and healthy! Youll feel better about yourself. Youll develop better relationships with others.
Its time to make a plan ! First, find out where you are now. In this lesson, youll learn several activities that will tell you where you (and your heart) stand now.
This activity will help you find out how fast your heart and lungs recover from exercising. HeartRate
The Body Mass Index Learn some interesting things about your bodys makeup and what you should do to get healthy and stay healthy.
Finally, find a set of games and activities that you will use to improve your physical condition.
There is a whole world that starts at your door. Get out there and move!
Its smart for your heart!